so boring

I really don't see the appeal of this movie, I found it to be very boring along with "forced" emotions. Nothing really happened. They get drunk and tell a family their son was killed then get drunk again. Im sorry but in my opinion this movie deserves no awards or recognition. Its just another anti-american movie that fails.


It's not an anti-american movie. It just seems that way to some anti-intellectuals and war trumpeters.

That said, it really has some pacing issues. Some scenes could be cut in half, easily.


I found the pacing just fine. I've been watching a lot of "artsy" foreign film lately and by comparison, this movie moved right along. It was refreshing not to have a lot of Hollywood hype in it, the phony stuff that I have grown to detest.

You know you've seen Fight Club enough times when you've seen it ONCE, ALL the way through!


I don't know why you would consider this anti-American in any way? I am a Persian, who support the intervention in Iraq (for the same reasons Christopher Hitchens does), and I thought this was a phenomenal film about what the American heroes go through, without trying to embellish it.

I didn't find a second of the film boring, it was pure realism without mainstream influences. And the fact that Ben Foster, perhaps the best actor of his generation, didn't get nominated for an Oscar is a travesty. I personally feel his performance was far superior than Jeff Bridges in the musical version of "The Wrestler" (i.e "Crazy Heart").

But that's just me.


As I have known and worked with people who have returned to this country suffering from PTSD, I found the movie almost too realistic. The acting is superb, the writing and directing exceptional.
Pacing? Maybe it seems slow because the pain is uncomfortable to watch.
This is a very difficult subject to present on screen, and I found it deeply disturbing and deeply healing.


Ben Foster, perhaps the best actor of his generation

Hyperbole, if ever I saw it.

I personally feel his performance was far superior than Jeff Bridges in the musical version of "The Wrestler" (i.e "Crazy Heart").

What the hell are you talking about?


--- Hyperbole, if ever I saw it.

Then you've never seen hyperbole. Or, more probably, you don't know what the word means. I'd say, Ben Foster and Ryan Gosling are two of the best young actors in their generation. Will be very interesting to see Emile Hirsch in the future as well.

--- What the hell are you talking about?

Don't you speak English? Or is it the lack of braincells causing your lack of understanding of a very straightforward parallel?


^You said Ben Foster is the best actor of his generation in your OP. Now you have amended yourself to say that he is one of the best actors of his generation. That sounds more credible.

I'm British so, obviously, I speak English, but still have no clue re your final paragraph. But, do me a favor, don't reply to me again.


"I personally feel his performance was far superior than Jeff Bridges in the musical version of "The Wrestler" (i.e "Crazy Heart")."

"I'm British so, obviously, I speak English, but still have no clue re your final paragraph. But, do me a favor, don't reply to me again."

Oh well, if you don't want him to explain it to you then I'll explain it to you. I thought it was hilarious.

As you know, Mickey Rourke won an Oscar for The Wrestler.
As you know, Jeff Bridges won an Oscar for Crazy Heart.

He is saying that Crazy Heart is essentially the same story as the Wrestler but set to music. I think he's clever. And I think he's right.


^I saw and enjoyed both movies you refer to. But I never made a connection between them. If you and others say there is one, then so be it.


I am a Persian, who support the intervention in Iraq

Lol, of course you would, you're Iranian.

Too bad the US was busy selling weapons to Saddam to kill your countrymen in the 1980s.

And overthrowing your pm and Shah to steal your oil.

Yes, the West is such a huge ally for you.

You fcking chump.

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to it's awesomeness.


I agree. I thought I would really like it but it was sooooooooooo slow.


And now replay that agonizing, aching "slowness" in the lives to all those who get the message from the messengers that someone has been killed, blown up, destroyed, shot etc etc. All they do is remember from the second they hear the bad news. The film enables us to empathize a bit with those who pay the price. It's a terrible card to have and to play.


Don't be a douche. It's a MOVIE. I didn't like THE MOVIE. My dad is a veteran so hop down off your soap box and get a grip.


Yes, it's a movie that accurately portrays what the families of deceased soldiers go through, and what the people who have inform the next of kin go through.

Sorry it couldn't be filled with in your face action and explosions. Maybe you should stick with movies like Transformers.


lol the topic creator though Battle: LA was a good movie...

Read my user reviews here!


Hi guncrazy54,

Thank you for saving my time :) I was about to watch it as I thought it was full of action and war scenes. Phew! Thanks again buddy.
