
Hi! I'm Beth Carol and I am and have been friends with Linda & Burt Pugach for over 25 years. I never forget their birthdays and anniversary. They are wonderful people to know & glad to be their friend.


He's a pretty good guy until he throws lye in your face...damn. We talked about these people in law school.


I just saw the film. How can you be friends with these whack jobs?



They're not exactly O.J. and Nicole, but then again, she's alive. I really don't know what made her(or if she did or not)forgive him, but I'm curious to know. I'll see the movie when it comes over my way and then I'll make up my mind.

"Why don't you have another beer?"-Scott Stevens


It is clear to me that he took any other choice she had away from her... that is unless she was going to spend the rest of her life blind, alone, and poor. It was the 60s and women didn't have the same freedom they have now. He basically clipped her wings so she couldn't fly away. He wanted to make it so she couldn't be with someone else and it actually worked. Although I was frustrated with the fact that she gave in.. I also have compassion for her. She was so young when it happened and hadn't had a chance to grow up yet. So, she seems shallow but she was young and beautiful and felt she had to depend on her looks. So sad.


That turd makes me sick. As for Linda, she seems like a sweet lady.


Hollie73 is right just about down to the last detail, I think. But it seems to me she ended up with the upper hand in a perverse way. Kind of a "you broke it, you bought it" thing. I thought it was just impossible not to develop a real affection for the woman.


You are right, Hollie73.....I heard the answer right out of Linda's mouth when she was on the Geroldo Rivera Show...of course he asked her just that question, and her reply was that she was blind and getting older, and had "no one to take care of me" there you go.
I myself would rather be homeless on the street than to have a monster like that "take care of me", but that's just me.


I don't know a lot about this story, but I'm curious who took care of her when her husband was in jail? On The View, it was said she did meet a man she was dating, but when she took off her glasses and he saw her eyes he left her.

I think I too would rather be homeless than be with someone like him.

"You Are a Testimony to Witlessness!"...Madalyn Murray O'Hair


Linda has passed away.


"How can you be friends with these whack jobs?"

I could be friends with HER. If I ever met her, I don't think I could NOT be friends with her. I felt so bad for her.

I don't think I could ever be friends with him though. Being in the same room with him would just creep me out too much. And if I ever had to listen to him doing his self-pity thing, (like the way he talks about prison - as though he were an innocent victim) I don't think I could resist smacking him in the back of his head.


by chayo2;

"I could be friends with HER."

Same here. Linda was the one with the friends; Not him (except for maybe one guy who compared Burt to Hitler).

BB ;-)

it's just in my opinion - imo -


I could be friends with HER. If I ever met her, I don't think I could NOT be friends with her. I felt so bad for her.

Seriously. I'd LOVE to be friends with her. She seemed awesome.

Yeah, she seemed kind of vain and silly when she was 21 years old. Well, 21 year olds are vain and silly. Male and female.

But the woman being interviewed? She was hilarious and awesome. She seemed like a real character.

This woman went to Europe when she was mostly blind. This woman used to go to work on the bus without a cane or a dog while she was losing her sight. This woman worked up until the point when she couldn't anymore (the fire her a year after she got married).

She was a lot tougher than anybody here.

Guess who has two thumbs, speaks limited French, and hasn't cried once today? This moi.


Hi Carol, My Uncle was one of Burt's law partners. I hope they are doing well but wish I could understand more about what happened. It was such an intrusion in my young life at that time. I had bad dreams, terrible dreams about it all. This was someone linked to my family. How could it have happened? I just didn't get it. None of us kids did. I'm glad you have enjoyed knowing them. I hope they have made their peace with each other and with God.
