Oh my God, how boring can one movie be?

It's a shame, there was some good dialogue but inbetween was just GARBAGE.

It's a double shame, because the payoff was good, clever and life-affirming.

The best thing I can say is watch this on Fast Forward.


Maybe you should just stick with movies like The Fast and the Furious and 10,000 B.C.

- You're wrong. Sorry to ruin the ending for you.


I don't watch garbage like Fast or BC. And I don't say that boring pieces of crap are art.


Then what do you watch?

- You're wrong. Sorry to ruin the ending for you.


What movies have I watched lately that I've found entertaining?

King of California
Niagra Niagra
Right at you Door
The Incredibles
He Was A Quiet Man
Zombie Strippers

These are just a few


Excellent that you mention Flakes and He Was a Quiet Man. I actually attended the World Premieres of both films at the 2007 SXSW Film Festival. In fact, they took place on consecutive days.

I was disappointed that neither film got much attention, although they've been showing the latter on cable and people seem to be enjoying it.

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.


I'd have liked to seen those movies in theatres, but I don't get to the movies often anymore. There's always people talking or on the phone and it drives me insane.

They didn't get much attention because, unless you have a true bankable star or a movie that will have a huge crossover audience, everything is direct to DVD. Deschenel will guarantee you distribution, but not a large audience. Slater is past his prime and they made him look pretty awful in Quiet Man. But, for people who love cinema, both are winners.

The Good Life tried to be like these, but failed miserably.


I hear ya. I don't go to "the movies" much myself. That's one of the good things about festivals -- the audiences are the most respectful, both of their fellow patrons as well as the filmmakers themselves. In most cases, there is no talking amongst audience members and I rarely see or hear a phone. And the price of a ticket is not much more than in a regular theater, depending on the festival.

As far as not getting much attention, since I only cover and write about indies, I could write books about that. Yes, a bankable star or prospect of a crossover audience helps but there are thousands of indies that do get limited distribution (or even wide) without bankable stars or (apparent) crossover potential without going straight to DVD. Many of the really good films I saw at festivals in the last few years did get theatrical distribution. Some do go straight to DVD. More often, though, they simply don't go anywhere. They disappear into what I call "the indie ether." So I wouldn't blame the lack of attention on bankable stars or crossover potential. There are so many other reasons, mostly political.

The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.


Ok first of all i didnt think this was boring at all, in fact i loved it.

second of all i've seen most of the movies on your list and with the exception of the pixar films the good life was better than all of them

mostly good flicks tho ill give you that


I didn't find it boring. There was some really dark humor in there but mostly the whole thing just depressed me, thank goodness for the ending.

The cast was great though. It had 3 of the best young indie actors today, I just wished the movie was better. And that these actors would start acting in some less somber material. Really, though, when is this trend of indie movies set in depressed small-towns going to end? It was good for a couple of years but now it's getting derivative. The film isn't bad but it's hard to judge it on it own, after seeing so many versions of the same thing.
