MovieChat Forums > The Good Life (2007) Discussion > Low Ratings? Because some jerk voted 16 ...

Low Ratings? Because some jerk voted 16 times with a 2

If you look at almost every Sundance movie that was in competition you will notice that there are exactly 16 votes where the person voted a 2. This is obviously someone really evil who went through a lot of trouble to vote SIXTEEN TIMES on each sundance movie that was in competition and give it a 2. That is why you have such low ratings for such great films like Snow Angels, The Good Life, Joshua, Adrift in Manahattan and Weapons. Take a look. Each one of those films has exactly 16 votes giving it a 2. I'm sorry, but that's no coincidence. That's just plain evil.


Oh good...I'm glad that someone was just being "evil" instead of the movie not being that good. I work with Stephen Berra's mom and I was really pulling for this movie! Hope it gets shown around here!


That's actually really funny, in a cruel way.



Why don't you point this out to IMDB?

On a related note, the person whose review is featured on the main page for this movie gushes over how great the movie is, yet he only gave it 4/10 stars. I'll never understand people who do that.


What a real shame about all of this. I've heard it is an excellent movie.


your only allowed to vote once so unless this guy is making 22 or w.e imdb profiles (which seems like alot of work to trash movies) then its just a group of people that dont like it


No, it's the same guy over again. He sadly has a lot of time on his hands to make 22 different imdb profiles and email accounts. Peoples these days, seriously how pathetic is that? The worst part is that this movie actually got very good reviews.


joga_bonita (Thu Apr 12 2007 07:08:10) posted this:

"your only allowed to vote once so unless this guy is making 22 or w.e imdb profiles (which seems like alot of work to trash movies) then its just a group of people that dont like it"

do you know how many of the trolls and haters online would do exactly that? a lot, if youve been around the board you'll find that many trolls have been outed as having numerous accounts in order to hurt any movie, seen it or not

its very easy to create accounts. quick too. not such a formidable thing. i wont say how because that might egg on others. and i cant stand trolls. and this person would be a troll, a hater


I,and everyone I know, don't look at the stars. How can you trust a nation that watches American Idle in record numbers and voted for satan, George W Bush TWICE, to vote the same amount of stars on a movie that I would?! Lol, I just go straight to the professional reviews and there are a few that usually give good and similar opinions as my own. There are so many pro's, you can usually read a few and get a good idea of what the movie is about and whether it may possibly be for you. Let the little clueless virgin morons have their version of "fun". Unless they hack Berdalini or Ebert or the Guardian's, etc. webpages, they don't have any impact on my opinion.

"All the donuts have names that sound like prostitutes"
-Tom Waits


I agree, you can't trust the stars. You're 100% correct about America's taste. It sucks. Whether it's music, movies, television, or anything else. If it's popular, it's probably a piece of crap. Just look at reality television.

I for one even try to stay away from "professional" reviewers. Most of either them have bad taste themselves, or they aren't being objective about the subject matter for whatever reason, or they're extremely pretentious. However. The exception, at least for me, is Leonard Maltin. He's the only professional film critic I've found that I consistently agree with.

"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."


I never read reviews... especially the professional ones, because I like to have as few preconceived notions about a film as possible before I see it. I don't care if a movie has 2 stars or 200, I figure out what I like on my own, and rate it appropriately. Sometimes I agree with the majority view, sometimes I don't.

I don't think too many people buzz this website to see how many stars a movie has received before they decide to see it. If someone's considering a film like 'The Good Life', they're probably independent spirited, and won't be much swayed by stars.


"voted for satan, George W Bush TWICE"

Don't you think you're being just a tad over dramatic. Why don't you go and find yourself a big hankie and blow the snot out, Doris, you'll feel better.


i never trust imdb rate ;)
