MovieChat Forums > Fingerprints (2010) Discussion > Sensationalized but true here is an arti...

Sensationalized but true here is an article.

I have yet to watch the movie but I hope it's descent. The fact that Kristin Cavallari is in it makes it more questionable. It did happen in San Antonio Texas around the south side of town and children did die but everything else is sensationalized. It is believed that the children who died will push your car over the tracks to protect you from the train. However, if you put your car in neutral on a small hill we all know what will People put baby powder over their car and afterward your supposed to see "fingerprints" all over your car. Some believe it some don't. I went as a child and did see fingerprints but i was with Again a train did hit a bus full with children but that's where the truth ends.

San Antonio Ghost Children
The Railroad Incident

By Josh West, published Nov 27, 2006
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The ghost children of San Antonio is a story that’s unfamiliar to people outside of Texas, but it’s not just a ghost story, it’s a part of American history. At the corners of Shane and Villamain roads, just off the SE Loop 410, a school bus full of children stalled as the bus tried to climb a grade on the tracks of a railroad crossing in 1949. At this time in history, it was common for many rural tracks to have no signals and they were made for trains, not vehicles. Sometimes the wood placed between the tracks on the crossings would become bent and trap vehicle tires.

Although the details of the legend are unsure, it was said to be the bus was able to get its front wheels over the tracks, and as it climbed the grade, the bus stalled. The back wheels became stuck in the warped wood of the tracks and the bus was unable to move. Suddenly, a train was spotted coming down the tracks towards the bus. The bus became filled with panic and screams. A few children were lucky enough to get out of the bus through the windows, however, the rest were not so fortunate. The bus driver and most of the children were killed by the collision of the train.

This day, no one knows how many children died that day on the bus. However, it enraged people from coast to coast. The stories and descriptions haunted parents everywhere, and like most tragic accidents, laws were passed after the event. One of these laws passed was that school buses had to stop before crossing a railroad and make sure there were no trains coming. Shortly after the tragic accident took place, came the addition of emergency windows and doors.

Area residents reported seeing ghostly children between 1949 and 1951. Several nearby streets bare the first names of the children, and it’s been assumed for many years that the streets were named after the victims or survivors. The mystical part of the story is, the streets were named several years before the accident.



You go here and read more about it too -

I am a huge fan of ghost stories and I could have sworn I saw this on some Ghost tv show like Haunted History or something. It showed some people "testing" the story and they did put the baby powder or flour on their bumper. I don't remember if they were moved off the tracks or not but I clearly remember seeing the finger prints in the powder. Creeped me out.


The kids' accdent was true. I've been there many times, done the baby powder thing and it is true, I've even heard the kids a couple of times. The first time I went there it was past midnight and raining, it was scary.

"It's just a Movie..."


these things are called "gravity hills". there are tons of them all over the country and each one has a tragic bus crash story to go with them. there's nothing mystical about them, but they are awesome... as long as you don't look backwards. the whole trick is that they happen in places that you either can't see the horizon or are seeing a "false" horizon. this makes you think you're rolling uphill when you're not or moving on (what you think is) flat ground.

i've got a list of ones in california that i've been meaning to check out. you could probably find lists of them on the web.

as for the flour thing, it's your own handprints that are showing up.

i know that i'm going to be attacked by true-believers for being "narrow minded", but i'm not... i was just open minded enough to listen to a rational explanation of how these things happen and content to enjoy the weird things that your mind can make you see. please don't attack me and please don't try to prosyletise me.


We have a gravity hill on the way up the San Bernardino mountains. Old Waterman canyon road. It's kind of cool if you can sit on the road without someone speeding along behind you.

Oh, and I was sure that the story told about the orange groves in Riverside was true. Come to find out later that the story I was told my whole childhood was an urban legend to keep kids from cutting across the orange groves.


Good stuff...great to see some research and rational thought on an IMDB message board. I get flamed like crazy for posts like this (ie. suggesting ways people can demonstrate for themselves that Ouija boards are ideomotor response vs. "gateways to the beyond").


I used to live in Sylmar, CA. and there is a gravity hill near there, out by the cemetery. There was never any crashes that I know of, but it's true that it LOOKS like you are headed uphill, but you stop, put your car in neutral and you will coast forward, and it just appears to be going uphill, but it's just an illusion.

Mama always said sex is like a box of chocolates, the ones with the nuts are better.


Now i wanna preface this by saying i am not a skeptic - but lets be honest youcant argue something is real til you can rule everything out.

So if someone can prove to me that they saw fingerprints after thoroughly cleaning their bumper, then ill give them credit. Otherwise its all the prints of you and anyone else who has ever touched your car. its just like the police dusting a motel room for prints, your going to get every single set that has ever been in there since the last time it was cleaned well.


The second Kristin's character started telling her sister the story of the children I realized that I had heard it somewhere before. I remember seeing some ghost show where they tested the theory. I wish I knew which show it was but I'm pretty sure I saw it back when I was about 7 or 8; I'm 17 now. That story always stayed with me and I used to tell my friends about it if we were ever stopped at train tracks for some reason. I love when true stories are incorporated into movies.


"But it was us baby who were the lucky ones."
