MovieChat Forums > Everybody Wants to Be Italian (2009) Discussion > There are two kinds of people - people w...

There are two kinds of people - people who are Italian and ...

... those who are glad they are not.


wow man you are just so funny. Have you had the chance to read 75% of the other boards on this site you polak


"Boards" on this "site?" Man you are so hip to the lingo!

I think you mean "threads" on this "forum," you idiot. Sorry, I've got a life. I don't need to read all the other threads to know I'm awfully happy not to be an Italian!



Please Donatello..

I know your secret father was Italian (your mother likes us soooooo much), but please learn a better English!!! It's too strange: you never knew your true Italian father but you speak a strange mix of Italian and English (miscusi: American; someone said me it's a language too. Bah!)


For Donatello.."Wea a special witha oura longa noses"?

You're wrong: the longest part of Italian body is not nose (as your mother know).


we are glad that you are not italian.


And those who'd want to be, actually.
I'm not sure if this is some kind of American humour or what... but I've been living for a few years in the north of Europe, and I'm happy to say I haven't found any of this discrimination and ignorance. Actually, all the people I know who spent some time in Italy -for holidays or studying- were really positively impressed by the openness and kindness of Italians.
One note on the jokes on supposed Italian pronunciation: first of all, Italy has a lot of different dialects and accents (they used to be different languages). You can't fake "the" Italian accent, because it doesn't exist. There are many, and they are all really different. When I lived in the UK, a few people thought I was Swedish (!) basing on my accent.
You really should get informed through other sources than films and tv series, seriously.

