Italy sucks at football

They play cheap, pathetic football, targeting one decent cross to the enormous head of Luca 'I fall down in the box' Toni. They did not deserve to beat the superb play of Les Bleus in 06, nor should did they deserve to beat La Seleccion in 08. Luckily, the Italians were put in their fitting place, crying in the gutters of their unfair, gambling infested streets.


It is called SOCCER here.


That's cool. It's called football here. Thank you for the update.



And I am not in America posting, so like I said: It's football here. What is sad is a foreigner knows proper English and a native speaker butchers it.


Yeah that is pretty sad.


It's Calcio in Italy, and if you lost to a team that sucks, that doesn't say much for your team, now does it? Think before posting, sore loser.


I'm Spanish. Good game.


Good game, you guys deserved it. Congratulations on the Euro.


Yea, Spain, congrats on winning something for the first time in 40 years. Impressive. Clearly the class of European football there.

Spain, right on par with England with undeserved football arrogance.


Yes, a much appreciated deviation from the typical sordid play from teams such as Italy, replacing it with technically sound and improvisational talent and beauty that accompanies the play of Spain from keeper to scorer.


Your mother sucks at fornucating, procreation and producing articulate kids..your country and your region is a joke.

And FOOTBALL is for pussies


It is football here too !


Amen brotha. Viva Les Bleus. Zizou was front of the entire world.

"Hot sun, cool breeze, white horse on the sea, and a big shot of vitamin B in me!"


I've always been a fan of Zizou, especially during his time with Juventus. That said, to say he was robbed, is so very idiotic. Zizou quit when he gave into temptation, during the most important game of the tournament. It's not like he fouled during play, slid a little too hard into someone's legs, he straight out headbutted another player. Trash talk exists in every sport, even golfers take pot shots on the green, this is nothing new. If he chose to lose his cool, and get himself kicked out, that's his problem. An experienced player such as him should have known better.


I loathe the Italian football team. For their diving, whining ,cheating and just overall unsportsmanlike conduct. Though when they're not busy doing any of the above, they do know how to play the game and they do it well.


^^^ that's every team.

and re-watch the world cup 2006 game before u speak uninformed. Italy had that game the first half, france had it the second half. Injury time was pretty even...regardless, it was a good game played by both teams and a shame it had to go to shootouts.

but Italy hit more posts and had more chances...i've watched that game more than once.

As for the Italy - Spain, spain played well, they deserved to take it.

But as u can see, italians admit when other teams deserve to win...grow up and maybe you should find a better place to cry about italy being undeserving. They have 4 world cups 1 behind brasil i guess it's all luck :P


Also, people speak of such things as "diving, whining ,cheating and just overall unsportsmanlike conduct" as if it were an Italian tradition, this leads me to believe they haven't watched nearly enough games. Not to say team Italy doesn't do any of those things, but to say, every team does, unfortunately, that's one of the problems with soccer (football). So please, either be honest or be quiet. We've all seen Cristiano Ronaldo, of Portugal, one of the stronger players of today, deserving many trophies, the academy award for best supporting actor included.

Certain people just seem to enjoy hating on Italians, which is why some of them are arrogant, they believe the hate stems from jealousy, which feeds their egos.

If someone truly doesn't care for something, they ignore it, they don't go out of their way to speak about it. That implies that they are jealous, and need to convince themselves of something.


dude you suck, Italy won the world champions...its not a title just given. Go cry in your little corner with france


Yes. I am clearly the upset one.


Italy play to win, not to entertain. The way the play may not be enjoyable to watch, but they get the job done, at least most of the time.

They did suck big time at Euro '08 though. Toni was completely useless and Donadoni was too dense to do anything about it.


they are enjoyable to watch, its amazing how all these invisible walls pop up and always make the italian players look like they're diving.


football, AMERICAN FOOTBALL, should be the world sport, soccer sucks ass


American Football = rugby lite.


Ah, ah, ah! Spain hasn't won anything for 1000 years until this year and you talk about our poor italian football! You have courage...
Spain deserved to win the European Championship and it won all the matches except one in the '90 minutes...with Italy! So, if we sucks, why couldnt' you score against us, eh?
We have four stars on our football shirt, do you know what they mean? They mean "4 World Cup won", how many stars are there on Spain's shirt? ZERO!
Spain is a team of loosers and will not win anything for the next 1000 years.
Hasta la vista!


Dear French, here's again MARCELLO LIPPI.
We are going to win next World Cup.


Spain couldn't score against Italy because that's Italy's style of play. They play deep and seek to find Luca Toni in the box every twentieth minute. Sometimes they get a lucky call on one of their many dives near the box and get a good free kick. When it came down to it, Spain proved in penalties that they have superb scorers and a better keeper. Italy's last world cup was won in much the same way, but by calling Zidan's sister a terrorist they were able to coax a red card out of him and beat France in penalties. 1994 proves also that when it comes down to it, Italy cannot win. Spain is a team with true talent and not one target whom they try to find for every goal.


"calling Zidan's sister a terrorist"
Only a French or some other loser with Italy could trust it.


I'm actually italian, and I definitely believe that. materazzi should be kneecapped. he's the perfect example of italian way of playing sports: embarassing, arrogant, unsporting and self-righteous.


recycled_invention, you obviously haven't seen Kicking & Screaming


Actually, I have.


oops then lol.

"Those who hurt us teach us just as much as those who love us." TWM


I'm italian and I couldn't agree more. our soccer/footbal/whatever sucks big time. corruption's everywhere.
