MovieChat Forums > Everybody Wants to Be Italian (2009) Discussion > This Rom-Com hero is too much of a jerk....

This Rom-Com hero is too much of a jerk......

I'm a sucker for sweet adorable romantic comedies...I'll admit I'm easily
seduced by them...but this one left me cold. Rom-Com characters can do lots of
stupid things, but they fundamentally have to be people you can root for and
cheer on in their seemingly hopeless quests for love. But "Jake" is a repulsive
obnoxious idiot from the first scene onward....he seems like a slightly milder
version of Dane Cook's date-from-hell from "My Best Friend's Girl" And I
don't think he deserved either of the two women. And the cavalier way he treats
his 'soulmate's' husband was the last straw for me.

Here's a recommendation for anyone who wants to see this kind of little
ethnic-oriented rom-com done right....try "I Don't Buy Kisses Anymore"
which Jason Alexander plays a painfully lonely Jewish shoe salesman who falls
head over heels for a vivacious Italian grad student.(Nia Peeples) I don't make
any great claims for it as a flim...but it does everything right that
"Everybody Wants To Be Italian" does wrong.


Agree with you 100%. I guess the big tragedy that happened to him years before was supposed to endear him to the audience, but I just wanted to slap the jerk....


I agree too! I thought both women should have headed for the hills whenever jerk Jake showed up. I also thought that they should have chosen a more down-to-earth, slightly "plainer" girl for the role of Marissa.
