MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > There should be more to an Oscar Nom tha...

There should be more to an Oscar Nom that losing weight

and thats all Matthew really did. He really doesnt have much depth as an actor ..character wise. Jared deserves the nom but not Matthew


Felt the same way actually.

I LOVE Matthew McConaughey but this wasn't even his best performance of the year, much less of his career. For his best of the year look no further than the all-but-forgotten Mud. For his career high I'd say Killer Joe.

But this film undeniably panders to the academy which has sort of taken the place of Michael Bay fans as the lowest common denominator, in my opinion. They are so predictable. I didn't even have to see this one to know it would get noms left and right. It was a good film but one of the 9 best of the year? Not so sure about that. And Matthew McConaughey's performance certainly wasn't top 5. Tom Hanks in Capt. Phillips, Matthew McCanaughey in Mud and Robert Redford in All is Lost all come to mind. Even Steve Coogan in Philomena I found a bit better.


I mean even lincoln lawyer or Magic Mike, he did a better job. but he really didnt bring much else to this role except the weight loss. It would take alot for me to see him as an Oscar worthy actor, and so far I haven't seen half from him what I get from others. But if he wins, it wont be the first time someone non deserving won.


wow-thats so dumb to even link Magic Mike with this performance. Magic Mike was a joke movie.


Did you actually see the film or just watch the trailer? Hard to believe you did and were not devastated by his performance. Matthew and Jared's pas-de-deux was exquisite. I would never have suspected what extraordinary actors they were before seeing this film.

Most of the films I've seen this year (in particular the overhyped "American Hustle") fade from memory the minute you leave the theatre.

This one haunts me and will for a long time.


Of course I saw it. Rewatched it yesterday actually. People aren't all moved by the same thing. I couldn't help but think "this is good academy fodder, but academy fodder no less". For example, both Rayon and the doctor were made up characters that represented a mash-up of people Ron encountered. I have no problem with that. But they were used as devices rather than characters. Their only real purpose was to show the progress our protagonist was making. It didn't stop Leto from doing his job well, but his job was as a device, not a fully developed character. I think to develop that character you have to get a little dirtier. What is driving him back to his drugs time and again? How did he become an addict? Some Cruising-esque scenes I think could have helped the film to feel less contrived.

All of that is to say that it is a good film and Matthew McConaughey did a good job. But it is a great character. You'd be hard-pressed to find an actor who wouldn't make that role amazing. Maybe Keanu Reeves could screw it up but that's about it. It me an oscar nod on a silver platter just like Colin Firth in The King's Speech.

As far as old McConaghey goes, I would imagine you may just need to see more of his work and you would have known to expect a great performance because he is in fact a great actor. Have you seen Killer Joe? Bernie? A Time to Kill? Amistad? Mud? Dazed and Confused? Tropic Thunder? True Detective? Sure he did a string of chick flicks, but everybody needs to pay the bills.

Liberal-minded is not synonymous with open-minded.


And it has just occurred to me that you were responding to the OP. Still fun discussing with you. I love chatting with folks who hold different opinions than mine. It's what makes art worthwhile in any medium.

Liberal-minded is not synonymous with open-minded.


Yeah, I was replying to the OP! I've noticed a lot of criticism of the film (well, nowadays of ANY film) comes from people who see the trailer and presume they have seen the film! There is a (misleading) bit in the trailer which frequently gets referred to by critics of the film, which shows they haven't actually seen it because they are unfamiliar with the context of the scene. Very annoying!


This. Thank you, workbumpf. It seems like these people didn't even watch the movie. Matthew was faceted and complicated and had such a fantastic character arc. He and Jared's interactions were perfect, and I loved them both. Well deserved Oscars to both of them.


I just watched this movie. And while everyone is entitled to their opinion, I feel that Oscar for MM's performance was well deserved.


Well, see it as you will, but I totally disagree with your assessment!
All I can tell you is that I found his portrayal to be utterly convincing, intense and absorbing. I don't know how he could have done it better - his performance lacked nothing, in my opinion. Loved him in Wolf of Wall Street as well.


I agree, and not just about losing weight but going through any physical changes and thinking that is the same thing as an award-worthy performance. It's not.

I've had this same problem with Johnny Depp and Christian Bale for years. They are committed to their roles, certainly, but the physical transformations and heavy makeup are not the same thing as becoming your character if you play the part the same way you play everything else. Those two actors, for example, are fine and consistently solid, but they never stretch themselves. I was disappointed with Bale's Oscar nod for American Hustle because it's Bale playing Bale, only fat and with a combover.

Same here with Matthew. He lost a ton of weight but he still doesn't have that emotional depth to bring to the character. It was just Matthew being Matthew, only skinny.



are you saying that the character in the film is nothing more than Matthew McConaghey, but skinny? Yeah, i'd have to disagree with you on that one, guy.

The fact that you think the film character acts like Matthew McConaghey is probably an even bigger testament to the job Matthew did, because the 2 people (the character and the real Matthew) are nothing alike. They don't talk alike, act alike, move alike, think alike


But was there a lot of depth to Ron Woodroof (at least as portrayed in this screenplay)? It didn't seem like it to me. I think he did a great job for what was needed.

Also, it was more than just "losing weight." He lost so much weight that it was unhealthy. Add to that, he was probably malnourished and had to act with that poor condition of health. This article says he was 143 lbs. at 6'. rs-club-weight-loss-diary

To me, that's pretty significant and symbolic of the physical and metal toll Woodroof himself no doubt experienced while fighting his battles.

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You must've fallen asleep at the beginning of the movie...or maybe you're letting his past bad romcoms color your judgment. He has always been an exceptional actor, and has lately been more careful in the choices he makes in picking roles that he can really shine in. When I watched this movie, I looked past the weight loss and saw so many layers, so many scenes where he was so outstanding, there is no other person who was more deserving of the Oscar than him.


I thought he was excellent. I didn't see the actor, all I saw was the character.

It was a very natural and exceptional performance.
