MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Song featured twice in the movie, but no...

Song featured twice in the movie, but not on the soundtrack. Help!

There is a song starting with a screaming electric guitar solo while Ron Woodruff is traveling to Amsterdam, Israel, and China to get the medicine - lots of travel-cases shown on screen. I've been playing every song on the soundtrack but I can't find it. It's at approximately 1hr and 7 minutes into the film.
I'd appreciate it if anyone could tell me what it is.
Thank you very much!


its T.Rex - Ballrooms of Mars


It is NOT T.Rex - Ballrooms of Mars! Where did you hear screaming electric guitar in that?! 

The track I am looking for is NOT on the movie's soundtrack!


what in the world are you talking about? do you even try to listen to that song?


Troll or retarded?
