MovieChat Forums > Dallas Buyers Club (2013) Discussion > Is this just another gay agenda movie?

Is this just another gay agenda movie?

I support gay rights & gay marriage. In fact, I DON'T CARE if your gay, I'm just sick of gay people telling me they are gay. I don't care and I don't need to be lectured to. So, is this movie just more gay propaganda or is it worth watching?


It's neither.


Straight people come out all the time, talking about their crushes and conquests, smooching and all kinds of things

People don't say they are gay for the hell of it. For example if you come across a black person you obviously know they are black. Most people AZZume people are straight.

If you are gay, one cannot normally tell so gay people may let people know up front that they are gay so that way you don't need to AZZume they are straight, married or with opposite gender partner etc. When people say they are gay they are free to express if they have a partner or relationship of the opposite gender, They can actually talk about their spouse just like you can talk about yours. Straight people have to stop making gay people invisible. No difference.

I mean why wouldn't gay people come out? It's who you are and why feel the need to hide who you are? You don't.
same reason you walk around and everyone knows and accepts you are straight - you are a valid human - so are we

if people were cool - there wouldn't be coming out issues

freedom to openly date who they want without it coming as a shock to those around them, to get rid of the burden of keeping it a secret (it weighs on you after a while and you have to get it off to feel better), to avoid having to fake a straight relationship and sneak around to do what you'd really want with whom you want (too many people risk getting hurt in this way if their discovered and the lie they built up crumbles right in front of need dragging an innocent member into the fray if it can be avoided).


Don't you just have to wonder why so many gay people are telling him that they're gay? I mean, gees it must be a lot of people for him to be "sick of it". LOL. It might simply be that he has a kind face and looks like someone people can confide in...or it might be his behavior and demeanor is such that people feel the need to let him know that he's offending them in some way.
The way he shouts "I DON'T CARE" sure belies his message of being "for" tolerance and equality.
You also have to wonder what movies he's been watching, right? I mean are there that many movies out there with a "gay agenda"?



It's a medical rights movie.


If anything, it makes the gay population look even more weird. The movie is more about the FDA and the mafia they run. The gay theme was just the background story as opposed to say kids and ADHD drugs.


youre an idiotic bigot. Religion is weird, you backwards, bimbo. Gay people simply ARE.


I understand how u feel I went in with the same attitude. Still a great movie there is only 1 scene where I was just like wtf and it's when Matt goes into a bar to sell his meds only like 20 seconds of groaping lol



this movie wasn't gay enough


Yes it is. I turned this crap off when McConaughey turned into a gay lover.


McConaughey was not gay in this movie.


A lot of morons on this site.


This is not a gay movie but more of a movie about a man who is fighting against the system.

The FDA knew that millions of people are dying of AIDS but insist that there has to be clinical trials on drugs. Anyone that helps out these people outside their guidelines is a criminal.

Also we see a man change from a devil may care to health conscious and even his altitude towards gays change from negative to acceptance.

One part of this movie that disturbed me is on the news in the movie they said the cost of AZT was very expensive. From what I know of drug companies is chances are they were making a LOT of money off of this drug.


No...its primarily an anti FDA/big Pharmal film that happened to revolve around the human struggle to survive during the early days of the AIDS crisis.
