MovieChat Forums > Botched (2008) Discussion > Severance and Shaun of the Dead...

Severance and Shaun of the Dead...

The DVD box said that this falls in the same vein as these two (well a publicity-whoring horror website - which I won't name - said so), but Botched feels really half-assed, whereas the other two were very well done. The filmmakers associated with this movie didn't really put a whole lot of work into the writing or comedy (a few cheap chuckles) so if you don't smoke weed and are over 20 I just don't see how this could strike anyone as a "laugh fest". The horror part (which is FAR too sparse) is good... but needed much more of it.

If they would've gone a little more with the horror and less with the unfunny humor - and added a stronger connecting plot - I think it could've been a decent watch. But I have to say this one is painfully average... not the worst I've seen and certainly nowhere near the best.


I think it fits into that category, if there even is a comedy-horror or comedy-gore type section. It's too much of a small niche category for anyone to be picky about whether it "exactly" fits. There are a few other movies recently that sorta fit also. There was one called "Feast" that I remember only for having Jason Mewes in it (playing a guy only credited as being called "edgy cat"-which is awesome). Also a movie called "Hatchet" that's worth a look. I remember a funny/odd/scary/gory alien movie also, but don't remember the name.

This one certainly fits in there somewhere.


I'm with YOU Ash. I didn't "hate" this movie but I was hoping for more. It seemed like it teetered on the fence between future cult-classic and typical straight-to-video. When it started I was excited and anxious to see where it would go. The next 20 minutes were pretty strong. Then it got stale for a while...picked up stale again then ended with some weak/predictable elements.


The scenes with Peter were good. When he got "killed" was right around the time things got stale. Then they introduced the crazy dancing barbarian and I was like "What the f@#$?!" but in a good way. I like that kind of silliness. From there the comedy was pretty rare except for a couple stabs here and there, mostly involving the security guard character. I was particularly fond of the sub-titles while his mouth was numb. But it was more like watching a mediocre stand-up comic. (Boring-boring-kinda funny-boring-....ok THAT was funny!...boring-boring etc...)


I did like it though, overall. It's not something I need to buy and watch again but I'll tell my friends (the ones that would appreciate it) about it.

It's nowhere near as good as Shaun of the Dead though. And I didn't care for Severence. I think I gave it a 2 out 5 on Netflix. It just bored the crap out of me and the comedy seemed forced/poorly delivered/written. Shaun of the Dead is clever from beginning to end. Severence brings back my mediocre stand-up comic analogy, only not as many "kinda funny"s and maybe one "ok THAT was funny!" in the whole movie.

Check out Otis if you haven't yet. I thought that was great.


"Looks like Torgo's been hittin' the thigh-master."


I thinks that another movie that can fit in the Shaun of the dead category it's "Slither"

i found Botched with a 50% off, i going to watch it tonight, hope it0s ok

[email protected]


The alien movie.. maybe you're thinking of Altered?

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


I've only just heard of 'Botched' and have found a copy available to rent at my local library. Although i haven't seen it I watched 'The Cottage' not that long ago which was compared to the likes of 'Severance' and 'Shaun of the Dead' although I'd say that in style it was more like 'Severance'. But that said i was left very dissapointed with it and It's not a film I'd reccommend. I only hope I like 'Botched'.


I knew nothing about the film before watching it and Severance sprang to mind a couple of times.

Not the greatest film in the world but not a waste of 90 minutes.


I thought this movie was a fun watch, but I also watched it as an "Instant View" or whatever they call it on Netflix while suffering from insomnia, so that gives you my mindset. If I had been expecting "Shaun of the Dead" level humor I would have been disappointed. "Botched" is watchable and for the most part entertaining, but I would suggest to a friend that they rush out and buy a copy.


I thought it was just as good as Severance and Shaun of the Dead . . . and the last time I smoked pot was over 20 years ago.


"Brilliant horror comedy like 'Shaun of the Dead'? You gotta be kidding me!".
That's what I said once the movie ended and read the comments on the DVD back cover once again.
This could be described not only as "false advertisement", but it's also an insult to the intelligence of anyone who have watched and enjoyed 'Shaun of the Dead'.
I mean, is like comparing the awful 'Observe and Report' with 'Taxi Driver' (A comparison that has been done as well). Nonsense.


Yep, this isn't even close to being as good as "Shaun of the Dead." I'm seeing comments all over the place here where people are calling "Botched" the funniest movie they've ever seen. I guess that's possible if they haven't seen that many movies. Maybe their parents lock them in a basement and only let them see one movie every 10 years?

"Botched" isn't the worst movie I've ever seen. It's similar to most of the crap that clogs up cable movie channels. At least the boom microphone wasn't bobbing down and hitting people in the head. If the best movie gets 10 stars and the worst movie gets half a star, I'd have to give "Botched" one star so the really, really, really, really horribly done movies will have that half star all to themselves.

----------------- - Favorite quotations and other crap.


Botched is, putting it frankly, unwatchable tripe .

Even comparing it with two genuinely excellent movies like Shaun, or Severance is ludicrous.

Badly written, badly acted and badly directed, Botched should only be shown in Bars at kicking out time, it'll ensure that even the most serious alcoholics would leave the pub willingly.
