Jonas Armstrong

Far too much of a weedy pretty boy for my liking...and what's with that bow?


the guy embodied robin hood. He was great for the lead role.


Agree, eggroll43! Robin is not my favorite character on the show (that would be Guy, followed by Marian and then Much) but I think Jonas created a very memorable version of Robin Hood, and I believe his physique was right for the character. Robin Hood is supposed to be nimble, agile, and mischievous, not beefy and solemn like Russell Crowe.


He was also supposed to be a Yeoman Archer...who are generally bulked up by drawing a heavy longbow. Maybe Armstrong is just one of those actors who annoy me for no specific reason. Bit he just doesn't resemble anything like a Robin Hood I'd ever imagined, especially with that Middle Eastern bow he uses.


I didn't mind his look as much as the way the writer's turned him into a petulant, whiny brat. Robin Hood isn't supposed to just be a great bowman, he's also a great leader. This version of Robin was much too self absorbed, never listened to anyone in his band, and whined when people didn't listen to him back. Of course, if they had made him a proper, inspiring leader, half of the episode plots of people running off and doing stupid things against Robin's orders would have been gone.

I liked the series, but it just felt like it could have been so much better with some better writing.

"Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine."


Jonas/Robin was the main reason I watched the program!

It's ok if the OP doesn't like him; leave him for me!

BTW, I have seen Jonas in other works I do think he is a wonderful actor.


Most definitely! I think Jonas was excellent as Robin ad I find him incredibly attractive!



I actually liked the series' take on Robin - I liked that they made him a little annoying. He was flawed - yes, he was a great man with a big heart who was a hero to the common folk and a leader to his men, but he could also be egotistical and self-rightous and whiny. I feel like it gave the character some dimension and helped make the series unique. And I also liked when other characters called Robin out on getting off on attention and that he liked making grand gestures because he wanted to be loved (and almost worshipped) by the people - I felt it made Robin more human, instead of being the magnanimous, selfless saint that he usually is in other versions (which, don't get me wrong, I love that version too, but I think there's room for more than one interpretation).

I liked Robin's look, even that goofy little leather hoodie. I do think Guy of Gisborne was more attractive than Robin Hood, and I was actually on the edge of my seat during Guy/Marian scenes, whereas during Robin/Marian scenes I was just like "meh, they're cute." But I think Jonas did a good Robin Hood. I'm satisfied.

"And then he started cheating...especially at magnetic travel scrabble."


Totally agree. I just finished watching the whole series on Netflix. It took me 2-4 episodes to get really into it, but it did really pick up. I loved Seasons 1-2 and Season 3 wasn't as good but still watched. I have to say that Jonas Armstrong really made the show for me. I thought he was amazing and clever. I loved the way he portrayed Robin Hood. Just so much charisma and the way he carried himself. I know a lot of other people loved Guy. He was the tall, dark and handsome type. A bad boy too. I liked Robin Hood better. He really made the show and I fell in love with the character. Really liked this show.


I thought J.A.'s R.H. was memorable and enjoyable, and quite possibly my favorite R.H. to date or at least rivaling Errol Flynn. J.A. had all the right stuff for the role:

--nimble physicality and believable combat prowess as needed for the action bits as a convincing former member of King Richard's personal guard.

--made the role likeable (for some at least) despite (or because of?) clear flaws in his character, like wanting to be loved, sometimes failing to listen to his allies, sometimes (almost) losing his principles to his passions.

--his bow, if truly Saracen as explained in the show, makes sense for a former Crusader. same goes for his frequent use of scimitar.

--his knowledge of Middle Eastern languages sounds believable (at least for an ignoramus like me when it comes to those languages)

--handy with the clever one-liners as needed for the role ("Sometimes every cloud ... [rapidly shoots several arrows, producing rain of coins over Sheriff's head] ...has a silver lining!")

--J.A. portrays solid leadership as can be realistically expected under the circumstances, even if his gang members don't always obey or fall in line when they should.

--his hoodie shirt is better (for today) than Errol Flynn's "Peter Pan" / "Man in Tights" look. Besides, the costuming in the show is frequently anachronistic on purpose.

--had good chemistry with Marion.

--had good chemistry with the rest of the outlaw gang.

"That doesn't make much sense to me. But then again, you are quite small. Perhaps you're right."


Excellent points Ruxendil! I agree with all of them!

I can't say I appreciated JA as Robin at the outset--he seemed too boyish for my taste. As the series went on, he grew into the role, or at least he grew on me as a plausible type of Robin. Let's face it, not all heroes are gorgeous, flawless saints. But he had a mischievous charm that eventually got to me.

I know Season 3 is not generally appreciated, but call me strange, I liked it. One of the reasons was the persona of JA's Robin had evolved to a more serious character. Physically, he had filled out and appeared more a "man" than a "youth".

I never expected to enjoy this series, since I hated it in the beginning, but as fantasies go, it was enjoyable in light hearted way.


I honestly enjoy the humanity Jonas invests in the role. It's a great relief that a heroic leader like Robin isn't made of steel - he's made of flesh and bone just like the rest of us... I also enjoyed his feistiness and charisma, and yeah sure, it helps that he's easy on the eyes ; )


He is fantastic! I just watched S1 E 12/13 or anyway the last 2 episodes again for the first time in a LONG time and Jonas won me over again. Great acting

And when he says "Do you take this man and this horse as your way out of here I just had a good laugh.

It’s good to dream


Ruxendil Thoorg, that just summed up perfectly how I felt about Jonas in RH except I found him just as attractive as RA.




and very sexy! Just saw him in Book of Blood and that movie just emphasized his sexiness!




I'm not a huge horror fan per say but I do enjoy movies that touch on the supernatural and this movie had only one really cringy moment and that was in the very beginning. If you think Jonas is hot, like I do, try checking it out cause he does have some nude scenes in here that make it worthwhile. Love the fact that Brits aren't opposed to taking off their clothes. Thank you Jonas! Such a sexy guy!



