Delay due to ratings?

Seann William Scott has an interview up at darkhorizons. He says the delay has to do with the movie being so raunchy it might get an NC-17 rating. Anyone seen the script and know what kind of humor is in it?


Due to this delay,is it still gonna be released in the theatres?If it is nc-17 that might mean,straight to video.Either way,this movie is gonna be a cult hit.There is a great review in "Ain`t it cool news"Check it out!


link to interview?



" I mean, it makes Stifler seem like a choir boy. "



yea i've got the script and when i read through it i dont remember it being like outrageously raunchy, but then some of that stuff could be visual that you can't comprehend when you're just reading it...

i hope it's in theatres


Almost Fanous28,

What are you talking about? A highschool kid gets jerked off by a hooker as his friends get drunk and watch. Do you have the right script?


yeah that's the part my friend told me about but he didn't mention it would be bad enough to get an NC-17, but it was weird to film (of course)


hahahah wow... i must have missed that, granted i mostly scanned through it trying to find the stuff i was auditioning with. you're right it is pretty raunchy, my bad.


I saw this at a test screening like... wow.. almost a year ago. It's not as bad as people say. Nothing worse than any other R rated comedy we've all seen recently.


Any spoilers?

And by R rated comedies lately... are you comparing it to Knocked Up or Forgetting Sarah Marshall? They were raunchy and deserved their Rs.


sounds awful


the writers are sons of one of my college professors, so I actually met them just this morning. they said it's going straight to DVD in a few months. They said it's not going to theatres because they believe it was probably too raunchy. they showed some of the movie to my class, and from the parts i saw, it looks to be quite a funny movie. he said he wouldn't even let his mother read the screenplay...



Haven't seen it yet (officially the DVD are out today, I think, no?), but you, and other, did, ... and many of these others found it funny. So, your comment sounds, to me, *like* someone who think he is the only one to see the world the right way, and every other one is wrong.

Short story: just saying "you don't like it" and nothing more is NOT a very strong "argument".






You nailed it with your line below:

"I bet the people who find this movie funny or good in any way are stoners, immature adults, or kids who haven't hit puberty yet."

You just described the two writers of the movie to a 'T'! Seriously, that is who they are! No wonder they lost money and any shred of a positive reputation on this poor excuse for a movie.


Saying that those who like it are immature people, is not a very mature comment in itself. Not only it is an attack on viewers, rather than on the movie, but say nothing about the movie itself and let us assume nothing has been really found about the movie, since the best 'argument' is about the viewers. It is also a free assumption: where is the proof that anyone liking this movie is immature? That kind of truth only exista in the head of who make such claim, I am afraid, but if you CAN prove it, please, do so. If not, your argumentation is really weak (not tied to the movie itself, neither based on a provable claim).




Delay due to it sucking hard. Just an unwatchable simply awful piece of film making. A real example of how not to make a movie.

Sean William Scott, he's the guy who forget how to play Stifler in the third American Pie movie right?


Seann William Scott, the guy who brought to life a character that many scripts try to immiatate but who they fail to renew; the guy who did succeed to renew it, in American Wedding, yes. Two n-s, though, Seann, as it is from Gaelic.



american pie had more pie in it than this movie.


no kidding i agree
