Oh My

I just discovered my new favorite movie <3

T~O #944


Seriously. Words can't describe how much I love this film.


I want to watch this movie so bad, damn. I don't care, I'll buy it, I'll download it, I'll order it online if I can see it. Unfortunately this movie isn't even aviable for any of those options.

you know you love me,
gossip guy


same with me, new favorite movie!
an di think it's really funny that it's a movie i just randomly saw on lifetime when there's all these movies in the theaters that i've gone to see recently. none of them have stayed with me like this one.

"Jiiiim, look what you diiid!"
Derek and Casey= UST...and, <3.


omg you have noooo idea how jealous I am of you! How did you all see the movie?!?! ugh and if you say on lifetime I'm gunna die because I was an idiot and missed it! :P


I'm pretty sure it's on youtube try searching for it there.


I saw it today on lifetime and it was awesomee


I just finished and it was SO good.
if you still cant find it try
thats where i watched it.


Wow after a long search I finally watched it today and awww... I just loved it so much. It was so sweet and simple and moving. Such a unique story, and I like the dark element of life/death about it. Max and Blake also made the movie I think.


It's on Netflix, if you have it.


It is such a sweet movie! I'm glad it was one of my suggestions on Netflix.

Follow me on twitter @sydsmoviepicks


I know right? I love this movie :)

I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.


This garbage belongs on 'lifetime'.



Oh my indeed. What a waste of time. Among all those great movies with a good story, excellent cast and amazing acting, etc. you chose this childish, shallow, superficial, overrated flick to be your fav?! Jeez. One blond Missy can think with her own head and that's a miraculously enough for the plot. I think I'll stop here and go do something meaningful.
