Sore loser.

Anybody else catch last nights episode with the 'paintball incident'? Kind of shocked me a bit.

I mean, I'm no Jay Davis fan (so far in the show he's been my least favorite of the guys) but what the hell was up with Dane Cook throwing a hissy fit? Jay shot him from four feet away as opposed to ten and he just upped and acted like a whining little kid. He seriously freaked out and made a huge deal out of it. It was the lamest thing I've ever seen (even lamer was his psuedo apology to the camera afterwards). I've been a huge Dane Cook fan for a long time now (seen him many times at the Comedy Connection before he as well known as he is now), but I'm finding that the more and more I watch the show the less and less I like the guy. I was really expecting this show to be a riot--4 stand up comedians on the road helmed by one of the funniest guys around--c'mon! This was a golden opportunity. What do we get? A reality t.v. show where all the editors/creators focus on are the trite arguments these guys get into. WTF?

And I'm sorry...but someone should have had the common decency to tell Jay Davis not to tell the "TLC Killer" joke. Instead of encouraging the guy to go out on stage and just wing it...someone should have just been like, "dude, that joke sucks." These guys are supposed to all be friends, aren't they?


Since I didnt really know who Dane Cook was, I came into this show not expecting anything. And up until last nights episode, I found it entertaining. But his hissy fit with Jay was just too much! doesnt he realize that this behavior is going to turn some of his fans off? He gave me a few chuckles but I prefer Gary Gullman over him.


He's definately gonna turn some of his fans away. What gets me is if he's the creator/director of the show, why doesn't he tell his editors to cut all of the bickering out and focus more on the comedic aspects of the show? Why isn't there more standup comedy included? Why bother putting the emphasis on the lame fighting? Seems like they're pandering more to the reality T.V. audience then the standup comedy audience. Bad move in my opinion.



it wasn't dane's best moment to say the least.

but i forgive him and i think so will the real fans. if you suddenly hate him because he had a bad little episode. then maybe you were never really a fan.

but yes...dane was being a dick. and yes he is a sore loser. at least he admitted it. no ones perfect. it seems like everyone expects him to be. and obviously, he's not.

by the way... tourgasm isn't supposed to be a stand up comedy show! its a behind the scenes look at 4 comedians as they go on tour. if you want more stand up i suggest you wait until Vicious Circle comes out on September 5th i believe.



dane isnt even married yet but he's a divorce waiting to happen. can you imagine what he would be like over serious stuff if losing at paintball is a major issue?


he acts like that because he wants to be the center of attention. when he got owned in paintball, he acts like a douche because that attention was almost taken away from him. when jay hit him, people may think "hahah jay just hit dane pretty damn good", but dane tried to reverse it to make him look like a total jerk for hitting him. it's pretty obvious he has an ego problem. heck, why do you think he picked horrible comedians to take on tour. so they won't upstage him. even someone with a little bit of talent, would take some of the positive attention from dane cook, and he sure as hell doesn't want that to happen.



uhh well most grown men don't have moments like that, especially since dane was whining when the guy did nothing wrong other than get the best of dane. dane = huge ego.


honestly if jay davis and his highlights beat me at anything i would have done the same.


Dane Cook is human after all. Big woop.


Does anybody happen to have a clip of that?



No biggie, come on we all act immature sometimes... Dane at least made an attempt to apologize for being a dick.


you tube took it off but no biggie. I saw it.



Dane Cook is a funny stand-up comic, but he's a total dick in real life. I'm sure he'll be big for a few more years until people get tired of his style of comedy, just like Andrew Dice Clay. I also agree with the poster who said he is a divorce waiting to happen.


I said the SAME thing. Over the course of the show he showed that he was sore loser but what really irked me was the way he always attacked Jay. Especially at the paintball tournament. He would've never verbally attacked Bobby or Gary that way but he knew Jay would take it.

However, I was shocked when he didn't blow up after the poker win but i think he wanted to.

And the TLC joke... they should've told him something about that but they laughed at his performance instead.

"I would tell you to piss off but today, I'm a lady."


this is a bit off topic but everyone is saying Dane chose 3 random comedians to tour with him. Jay Davis, Robert Kelly, and Gary Gulman are three people who he's known for a long time and had an impact on his life one way or another. watch the eigth episode and see. oh and Dane has his moments with just about everyone on the show, but I can see why he might have gotten upset with Jay over the paintball incident. although he did overreact I think. but then again, Dane himself decides what to put into the episodes as he is the director of the show, among other things. Dane Cook is as human as anyone else.
