MovieChat Forums > Paranormal State (2007) Discussion > Why does Ryan always have that sarcastic...

Why does Ryan always have that sarcastic smirk.....

Why does Ryan always have that sarcastic smirk on his face???? Even when he is explaining the details of a case to his team. It makes me feel like even he doesn't believe the clients. But he even has that freakin smirk when he talks to everyone. If they came to my house and he looked at me with that smirk I'd smack it right off.

~I do believe in fairies. I do I do~


I think it is a very sexy smirk ;)



To each his or her own.

~I do believe in fairies. I do I do~


I have no idea why he does this smirk but i love it!

He is soo hott! That is the reason why i watch the show and i am very interested in the Paranormal.

I don't think this show is good, but i like it because in a way im saying IN A WAY its scary. DON'T ASK LOL

<3 Jess



I so that a lot, and it's nothing really wrong, but it's an equivalent to a small smile. It may look like a smirk, which is really a small smile in it's own. I think it's very cute and Ryan might want to lighten the mood on a very dark subject?


um I don't see it as a smirk. Either way he can come to my house anytime a do that ; )



He reminds me of that succubus Eli Sunday in "There Will Be Blood."


lmao at the tool thing

i'm so freaking glamorous i spit glitter


I don't know if it's just my imagination, but I sometimes see it on the others like Sergey too. The only one that seems to take things seriously is Elfie... but she doesn't really smile all that much.


Why the smirk? Because he can't say his lines with a straight face and because he is an artist. His medium? It is extruded out of the pucked end of cattle, mounds of it. But it's ok, I smirk when I watch the show too!!


EXACTLY andalongcameaspider- Why do people still think this kid is real? Don't you think he just wants money and attention to get away from his pathetic personal life? This kid is a LOSER! He is smirking because he thinks he is so bad ass for getting away with lying to A&E.


UMMMM. Don't you think that A&E knows? I think they wanted to get a show on the air like Ghost Hunters but they ended up with Idiot kids who wanted to make things exciting and instead came up with so much fakeness that it is embarassing. Let me tell you something BOTH my grandparents on my dad's side are native american and they are the first to tell you there is no such things as ghosts there is only energy. How that energy manifests is up the person who sees it.

~I do believe in fairies. I do I do~


He's smirking because he knows the clients are nuts, none of it is real, and he's gonna get paid no matter what. Best job in the world.



I think he is the hottest thing but, that smirk is really annoying!
