MovieChat Forums > Paranormal State (2007) Discussion > we know you're not there, but give us a ...

we know you're not there, but give us a sign

Lol I love hearing the guys on this show being the ones to determine whether the people they encounter are the 'genuine' ones or not. After the loss of a close relative or friend they just can't move on or let go. They become depressed and start stirring far fetched thoughts. They begin believing that the loved one who they lost had something else to say or tell them before they were lost, and are trying to communicate something to them still in their now "spiritual form".. sigh.

It's generally just PS preying on emotionally and mentally weak people who live out in the middle of no where or in a trailer in some southern hick town. Though I'd still see it as a show with a bunch of chumps taking pictures of windows and following the leads of cats and random creaking sounds while walking in the attic of a 40+ year old house and yelling repetitively "SHOW YOURSELF GIVE US A SIGN". ;\ sad.

I'm always disappointed when I turn on A&E to watch The Sopranos in either the morning or the middle of the day to see some marathon of *beep* like this or 'Ghost Whisperer' on.


How can these “investigators” use the name of Jesus and not tell these people that they’re dealing with a familiar spirit, not their loved one? That's some scary stuff. They are so inexperienced (or purposely abetting the enemy) and should not be “helping” anyone. Even Satanists can say “Jesus is Lord”, but satan can’t cast out satan. (They can't confess Jesus was God in the flesh.) You shouldn't get advice about the demonic from people involved with the demonic. You're obviously not going to get the truth.

A real investigator will help you look for doorways (legal rights), teach you how to take authority over satan and his demons, and seek deliverance.

Tabby S.
