
Ugh. That hat and goggle thingy on her head wasn't even cool in 1992 when Linda Perry from 4 non Blondes wore it. Seriously, I did not like Elfie before but, this hat & goggle contraption is making me dislike her even more. I'm sure she's not the kind of chick who cares what other people think but come on. She can't expect to be taken seriously with that mess on her head. Sorry. I had to say it.

"Put that in your juice box and suck it."



So what? She's not hurting anyone so she can do or wear whatever she wants. Besides...you don't know what those goggles are for. Maybe she was going downhill skiing...or riding in the sidecar of a motorcycle. lol



She has always annoyed me. Wish she wasnt on the show with her subtitles and silly clothes


Why do they subtitle her? It never made sense to me. You can understand her just fine.






Maybe she used to watch that generic Ghost Busters cartoon that came out in the mid-80's with the gorilla. I seem to remember one of the characters donning a similar get-up. After Ryan's ping-pong ball facemask, however, nothing ceases to amaze me, concerning this show.

"The key is, you've got to be crazy to maintain your sanity"


So glad we have the fashion police dictating what we all should wear. How mature! Children in school pick in those who dress differently and make fun of people but I rarely see this behavior in rational adults. How people present themselves is 100% their business and no one else's and I enjoy the variety of experience I get from those who express themselves differently. What a sad boring world if we all have to obey the fashion rules - I'm afraid many of us would go to jail! I can't take anything you say seriously now since you have revealed yourself to be such an immature imbecile. Let us know when you grow up....
