God this looks awful

For how much longer can Hollywood keep releasing this sh*t? My friends and I saw the poster for this yesterday and laughed at how bad it looked.


For as long as kids love stories that involve cute dogs and cute situations and cute relationships, with happy endings. Which, depressingly, might not be much longer, so you and your friend don't have to worry.

A man is basically as faithful as his options


Hmmmm, and here I was thinking how great the movie sounded and what a wonderful movie to take my grandchilren to. It must not have enough sex and violence for you,jeffy-babe?


geez, what a nice generalization to make about someone you don't even know! I hope you don't pass that tendency along to your grandchildren.


Oh yes because you know how much I hate movies without sex and violence, there needs to be more movies with it these days lol.

No I was just pointing out that this movie looked beyond silly and just seemed cheap by the poster I saw, but who knows, it might be ok...


First of all learn how to spell grandchildren. Second, I'm sure what Jeffy-babe meant is that Hollywood is releasing pretty poorly made stuff. I am by no means a child but there are kids movies of the past that were well made and I still enjoy to this day. Filmmakers just keep re-using the same concepts and so most kids movies are just repeated cliches. Sure the kids don't notice but the parents who have to take the kids to the movies sure don't enjoy it. You can make a kid's movie and enjoy it too, without having to be a kid.


Sorry for the typo - didn't mean to offend. If Jeffy-Babe meant this, why didn't he say that? Instead of referring to it by using profanity?



Jeffy-babe should have said it, but because he did not posses the cranial capacity, i had to say it for him. When his mind blanks, he resorts to profanity. I know this because Jeffy-babe is the majority of pointless comments on imdb



You're the reason we HAVE these terrible films. Guess what? You can have a movie made for kids that ISN'T stupid or pandering - just look at Wall-E. Making them watch a movie like this is worse than giving them fast food - it makes them stupid and lowers their expectations.


I agree with the OP.Its like "Lets put as many cute dogs onto the poster to cuuuute people into watching it".

Well i'll take some molotovs into the theater and we can clean up the gene pool quite effectively this way.



This movie is a prime example when hollywood only cares about money by releasing a sh*tty movie knowing kids won't know any better.


Um what profanity did I use? Because none of the words I used would be classed as profanity, maybe blasphemy but not profanity.



Yeah but why not make a movie tat's aimed at a larger demograph and promotes good morals for kids at the same time? Take a look at most Disney movies and Disney/Pixar movies. All of them can appeal to adults as well as kids AND most have a good moral behind it too. You can't expect a good movie to come from a company like Dreamworks anyway, they were born from Disney so will never match up to their expertise.


I hope you have learned not to feed the trolls.


Yeah, this is sooooooooooooooo realistic. Isn't it.

In case you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic.


this movie is just like mr. magoriums magic emporium
it looked stupid as hell from the trailer and poster and im not sure if that many people saw it anyway but this will do well
you know why?
because it has dogs in it thats why!
what is with all the cat hate in movies?


Opps,sorry,I thought this was the message board for the Pippi Longstocking films. Some of these "chat rooms" have nice furniture. Cheers,and hugs and kisses to all.


So Lugeeuh, you thought Mr. Magoriums Magic Emporium was stupid? Did you actually watch the movie? It turned out to be a decent movie. Sorry the Joker from TDK didn't show up to brighten up your day.

Regarding Hotel for Dogs, it was a safe kid's movie. I took my 8 year old and my 9 year old niece. I wasn't expecting anything earth shattering. It entertained the two children for the 90 minutes plus playing time. As a parent and an uncle, it made for an enjoyable afternoon.


I know I'm in the exact wrong demographic for this (I imagine it as some sort of curve that peaks at 6, slowly goes down to nothing for many years and then goes back up steadily once the thirties are reached) but it seems particularly uninspired, even for the typical kid fare.

For the record, I did find wall-e to be the best film of 2008.


You look aweful. What are you 10? Go somewhere where your opinion matters.
