Why did it bomb?

Seriously, it was hillarious


No big names, R rating, opening in less than a thousand theatres.



I saw it on Starz last week not knowing it existed. Man what a shame it bombed. I laughed the entire time.


An R rating hasnt held back any really good films.



I saw it on Starz, too. I think it bombed because it sucked, lol. I only laughed a handful of times the whole movie.


Because it was just God awful.

He's a master of karate.....and friendship....for everyone!


Ya either love it or hate-

Gotta admit it's unique



Humour is one of the most subjective genres. An action film either excites or it doesn't, we can generally distinguish between good and bad acting, but what makes us laugh is another matter.
What I enjoy about this film is its odd double takes- Classic example when he throws a chair through a window and says "You never know how you'll react!"
That's not something you can market. As for R films being good and making money, perhaps you'd care to explain the ____ Movie genre.

"Jackie Chan meets One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"
