why the 5.1?

watched this with my brother and dad, makes me laugh out loud.
and a great ending that makes you feel good too.
am I alone on this?


no. Just because a movie has a somewhat mediocre rating doesn't mean it's unpopular.
Charlie St. Cloud (2010), rating = 4.7, this week's box office = $12.4M
Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010), rating = 2.3, this week's box office = $12.3M

The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010), rating = 4.8, and i don't have to tell you how profitable it has been


Uhhm, OP didn't say it was unpopular, he just said he liked this movie more than a 5.1. Fair game to him. Nothing about popularity.

You're right in the other department, though. It's amazing how (so) many people flock to see really, really awful, boring, movies.

But, in this case, people did not flock. $900k is not flocking gross material. There might be cult-status, however. But I doubt it'll happen to this one. It's just too much and then too little.


Just watched it after seeing bits on youtube.

...wow... This was even better than I hoped it would be! Very, very funny in a Dumb and Dumber way.

Ur a troll? Hope you starve to death


I just watched it over the weekend and I agree it was better than I hoped. I expected a cheap and crude Saturday Night Live spinoff comedy. Dumb and dumber is a great comparison.

I kill threads


I'm afraid this film has nothing on "Dumb and Dumber," at least in my view. They tried very hard here – way too hard, actually – but I didn't laugh once. I did chuckle three or four times, though. This is a terrific cast, but the jokes and story just didn't work for me. All I could muster was 5/10 for this.


this was very unique humor. I liked it


It's a very silly, stupid movie with non-stop comedy. It's almost as good as Dumb and Dumber, IMO.


Thus movie was completely boring. Just not funny at all.


This movie is clearly very funny and well done. Odenkirk has always been a fun dude and rarely directs. The opening scenes of the movie are almost deterrents. Anyway, it fun to watch multiple times and really does make people laugh when I show them. I'm not saying 10 out of 10 like I give dumb and dumber, but 7 or 8 FOR SURE. If nothing else due to the Eskimo prom dates
