You'll Love It or Hate It

It's a stupid movie with lots of funny moments. If you're not laughing at the opening credits then you're going to hate this movie.


I thought the opening credits were extremely boring....I didn't even think that they were an ATTEMPT to be funny. They fell completely flat.

I'm 15 minutes into the movie, and not finding it funny at all. And, I have a VERY highly developed sense of humor.


You nailed it, there's no middle ground with this movie. It's either hilarious or awful, nothing between. I also loved the opening credits, they were silly and has us cracking up just with their reactions. Not all the jokes work, but the cast is great and were very up for a stupid movie. One of the underrated movies around here...


I thought it was interably stupid when i seent it years ago. I just gave it another go and enjoyed it. Same think happened with MacGruber. It's like Funyuns and CornNuts, y'know. If you know, you just know.

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I kind of disliked it. I think there's a fine line between funny likeable and funny unlikeable characters. I like Will Arnett and Will Forte but not in this movie. It was like we were suppose to feel sorry for them (or laugh at them) for being rude to women... but there was nothing endearing about them. Like when Dean randomly calls that girl fat or John says one girl has a "face that makes up for her body." Maybe it was the way it was directed because I'm not a prude. I like films like Dumb & Dumber but this just feel flat for me. I ended up cringing at some dialogue

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.
