MovieChat Forums > Is It Real? (2005) Discussion > Skeptical explanations hader to believe ...

Skeptical explanations hader to believe than paranormal on this show.

I've probably watched 6 or 7 episodes of this show now and find it pretty hilarious while being completely ridiculous at times. The whole premise show after show is basically to debunk any sort of paranormal or odd phenomena - and they try to use scientific evidence to "prove" this. And while I enjoy having an objective and skeptical approach to weird phenomena, this show does the same thing it is making fun of all the believers for doing (in its subtle way) - grasping at straws and unbelievable explanations to explain odd phenomena.

Segment after segment they explain away certain phenomena and the explanations are completely ridiculous or so general and broad it explains and proves nothing. It's like they grasped at 1 of a 1000 potential super random explanations for something and said "here it is, here is the proof it is NOT what all of these other people are saying it is. It was just a gust of air all those people experienced!" And the narrator just spews arrogance throughout like on the Hauntings episode of season 3 where they give completely random and fanciful "hard fact" evidence for a couple hauntings and then say "with those two haunts beaten by skeptics and science, how bout the Amityville horror..." It's like they really believe they have just explained away the ridiculous notion of a haunt by.... yes..... just as ridiculous of a notion. And then are gushing over their "victory".

It's kind of a shame because it's nice to see a paranormal show NOT go off the deep end believing everything, it's good to have a skeptical approach. But this show just takes it too far and makes itself look desperate and stupid with some of the ridiculous explanations they come up with.
