Hussein Obama Worries More About Sports Than New Orleans

First of all, a big thanks to all my fans here who spent more time posting about why I'm not around than they do about the topic. :)
Why, even Barry got off his meds long enough to come down out of the attic and post.
I didn't go through but a couple of posts, but since they were both devoted to where I was these days, I figured those would be of most consequence, and the rest of your postings just the usual homophobe, sexest, racist, anti-union drivel. :)

Spending much time overseas these days on some follow-up stuff.

And just a hint, Mexico isn't "overseas..." it's part of the same continent that the U.S. is, so your lack of geography knowledge is equalled only by your lack of political knowledge. :)
When I go overseas, it means I fly across all that water and stuff. :)
I laughed my butt off reading the posts wghere you thought I was attending a garbage collector's meeting in Mexico.
If you're flying a plane over the ocean to get to Mexico from the midwest, then you're in trouble. HA! HA! HA!

Anyway, my job isn't so menial that I'm able to stay cooped up in the aprtment each night as you guys are, watching sports, and wondering where a board member might be.

But I digress.

Hey, how about your Nobel Peace Price winner finally making it to New Orleans?
He would have been there sooner, but he had to go overseas (that means across an ocean, not to Mexico) with his wife Michelle (who I nicknamed the Grinning Skull of she scary looking or what?) and try to get a bunch of people who run in circles and kick balls around to come to Chicago.
Of course, he and the Skull of Death used the word "I" 74 times instead of we.
While Hussein is glad to shake hands with Chavez and apologize, he's not so quick to give up (yawn) sports to South American country, Brazil.

Not to worry, he was given the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, but at least talking a good game.
Everyone but Hussein got the joke, so it'll be funny to see him use the word "I" 74 times again while receiving his consolation prize.

Hussein's trip to New Orleans dropped off the map after about two hours, so as to not highlight the fact he waited ten months to visit what was supposed to be such a significant event in American history.
But hey, he was a busy guy and all, drinking beer at the White House, exchanging anti-American books with Chavez, trying to get a bunch of steroid money grabbing athletes to come to Chicago, etc.
I guess one of his advisors had to remind him he was "black." :)

Hey, once again, I'm short on time, so if there are any posts farther down the list that are of any significance, please do let me know, otherwise I'll just assume it's the same drivel that Myth, RimDad, and Barry post, and not worth scrolling down for.

Hey, is Barry still calling Myth and Rimdad trolls?
That was some funny stuff!



Seems like old Jethro is through! Good! He bored me anyway! Good riddance to bad Okie rubish!


Putz, your mom have any kids that lived?
