Obama Travels To Wall Street On Anniversary...Not New Orleans

Yep, Hussein Obama,traveled to Wall Street to hob nob with all his rich white friends on the anniversary of the Lehman Brothers collapse, but still hasn't quite managed to find time to see what can be done about the people of New Orleans.
Of course, Minister of Propaganda Hussein Obama tried to take credit for saving Wall Street by spending OUR money to do it, which makes as much sense as charging your MasterCard payment on your VISA card.
Then again, your typical Hussein voter isn't just really bright, and a survey taken in the months prior to the election showed a large percentage of his supporters unable to state what party he was even a member of.
They're to be forgiven, as ACORN workers were very busy giving pimps and prostitutes illegal advice and didn't have time to discuss the issues. :)



>>>Why do you call him by his middle name NeedyPeedy? Are you trying to cast some of dem der Okrahomer right wing aspersions on him? Do you think everyone with a name that is not Homer, Floyd or Jethro is somehow not to be trusted and is therefore some sort of terrorist? Inquiring minds want to know NeedyPeedy<<<

I find it interesting that I've never insinuated anything by using his middle name in any of my posts..yet you associate the name with terrorism.

I wonder what made you take that leap?

I love all the debate the mental midgets on here get into just by me using his middle name.

So amusing to see what racial images you spew forth just by me using the name "Hussein."

I love taking your brain out and playing with it...almost as much as I enjoy you making racial remarks, thinking I'm white.

Keep flailing away, little man...keep flailing away...little Barry Boy has you up on a pedestal, and expects great things from you...



Whered your mom travel?
