Virginian Accent

Is the southern accent the worst in the world?

People kept whispering if Woody Harrelson's character was retarded


I don't know who the dialogue coach was, or if they used one, but Carter's accent was not Virginian, it was from the deep south. The Virginia southern accent doesn't have that long drawl, it's more subtle. Did they purposely overdo it just to link the character to the era of southern plantations?


I think that accent can be (perhaps could be) found all over the South. It's not a question of geography so much as social class.


I have a feeling it's as carefully cultivated as his appearance. You can get away with saying the most outrageous things if they're voiced in a southern drawl. It's very disarming; it probably paid off by encouraging people to let down their guard and provide interesting - and profitable - confidences.


That's a good idea! I never thought of that, maybe because I live in Virginia and I'm surrounded by southern accents.



I am in Virginia and they dont sound like that, it sounds more drunk. ,the only person with a drawl I met was Jimmy Dean and his accent wasnt that strong.


That's cuz he isn't retarded.


His accent very much reminded me of Truman Capote's.


That's a good point. The character seemed to be reminiscent of Truman Capote in a way. Like Carter, Capote was gay and liked to cultivate the wives of rich important men. In fact a couple of the lines in the movie came straight from Capote's books. For example the line, "If she had as many cocks sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her, she'd look like a porcupine", is straight from Capote's "Answered Prayers".


Either a deeper-voiced Capote or Tennessee Williams.
I live in Tidewater Virginia and no one around here sounds like Harrellson.


I'm from the South and have rarely heard an accent like this. I thought Woody did a lousy job with the accent. But, you could be right that he was trying to sound like Truman Capote. Anyone else notice the Capote references in the movie? In addition the porcupine line, there is a shot of a book about Capote's Black & White Party in a box when Carter is packing up his apartment.
