underneath anger...

...there is always hurt, anxiety and fear.

I think Jason plays the character well because he's not just some madman, but because he knows what he is and he doesn't like it. Whenever he's ready to explode, he also seems on the verge of crying or breaking down. The reason he's a tagger, the reason he's at college (partially) is because he's looking for somewhere to belong.


He also feels confounded sometimes by the way people with money think. I get that. It's very frustrating. You get the sense that he was a playground hero because he stood up for the little kids against the bigger jerks. But it caught up with him when he went a little too crazy on a guy and the little kids turned him in. So right or wrong, he has always felt like less. Charlie's friends make him feel like part of something for five minutes. And then it starts to fall apart, once again because he wrongly goes off on a guy. What happens next is inevitable. Phuqin' rich people.
there will be snark
