Lindy Booth

I am so glad she is in this movie! She was really good on "Cry Wolf" I hope she's as good on this one!


I agree. She's an overlooked actress and it kinda pisses me off. She has so much talent. I wonder if her character "Kathryn" is that man's new wife? I hope so. She's too great of an actress to be anything but a lead role.


Lindy did an awsome job in this role. She was present 100% of the time, and acted like a professional on set. With a cast like this, I can't wait to see the finished product of this movie. It's gonna rock.

There will always be a deeper shade of blue.


As long as there is a copious amount of nudity from Booth, all will be well.


I agree, does anyone know if she gets naked in this?


We can only hope. Its been years since her royal hotness ask strutted her stuff!

I hope the credits are as is....cause Im sick of Lindy getting the co-staring roles!

More Cry_Wolf sized roles please!

Anyone know if this is theatre or dvd release?


WOW, saw the trailer and she defently has a love scene! SHows it like 4 times in the trailer. And she looks to be th lead.

Trailer gives away FAR too much of the plot though.


Not only she has a love scene. And not only once. The director stated that it is an erotic thriller.
