she's annoying

i think you know who i mean.


I'm not sure actually but I found the movie a bit depressing with the whole boyfriend sucks and handsome guy comes in and easily steals the woman.


the funny thing is that was the only part that rang true for me. while the boyfriend was showing off in fancy cars, boasting about traveling, and wines, he didn't pay attention to the fact this his woman had no interest in those things. often what a man hears is not the same as what's being said.


A sort of competition for Paul thats why he suddenly proposed to Faith.. As what Uncle Richard said to Cody, Paul always disappears every time Faith talks to him of their future... I love this movie and whoever says its a crap must be a crap him/her self.. Or doesnt know what good family, love and respect mean.. [smiling_face_withr_heart_shaped_eyes)


Yeah, real crap-tastic.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


I couldn't disagree more! Paul is so creepy, dull and clueless as to what's important to Faith that, as far as I'm concerned, she couldn't dump him fast enough!


I would have to agree with you, I didn't care for the female lead in this movie, she was kind of uptight and made funny noises with her mouth...I didn't care for the acting.
