When is this show on?

When is this show on? And what channel is it on? My friends and I can't figure it out.



Go spit.

The complaint line forms to the left. Have a cupcake and an aperitif whilst you wait.


he gave the correct answer what kind of reply was that?? rude man... its not for tv just like the clohe cronicles wasnt..


I haven't heard of this...anyone know what channel it's on.



i was wondering this myself but i discovered that
these are on disc 4 of Smallville Season 5...


I watched about the first 3 minutes of the first one and it was very boring...maybe it picks up but i don't see where it would be going


Well every episode is conected to an Smallville episode so it makes no sence by itself.


Go to TVGuide.com. You have to register, but it's free and based upon the spamtrap I used, they don't do anything nasty with your email address.

You will need to supply a zip code and if there are multiple sources of TV (e.g., more than one cable provider in that area) you'll need to pick one. You can perform searches from there.
