Melissa R didn't win because..

Melissa R didn't win because then everyone would just pay attention to her and not care about the other girls in the group.

Which is good because Melissa can do so much better!



I think the real reason was that she looked like a member already in the group.




i think mel r didn't win cause she look+sound too much like nicole.

donyelle blog


As much as I liked and was rooting for Melissa R., even she knew herself that she looked like Nicole. In an interview before awaiting the results from Robin, she was prepared for either scenario -- if she lost or was crowned winner. She knew if she lost, it'd be for the best and the reason possibly being that she looked too similar.

Anyway, it's confirmed Asia's hitting the solo road. What a waste of time. No wonder I haven't seen her in any publicity at all.



Do you guys notice that the perfect people never win, its always the unexpected.
