Chelsea update

Chelsea Korka will be in a new European pop group called "The Paradiso Girls". There are 5 grils, 1 is from France, 3 are from England, and then there is Chelsea! The girls have been together even before "Search for the Next Doll", but Robin asked Chelsea to join and she agreed. There is a lot of singing and tons of dancing. They are working with great producers such as Fernando Garibay, dream, tricky, and Will-I-Am. Chelsea is still working on her solo stuff and so much more


What was the name of the song she sang in the Finale?


It was "Feeling Good." She wore that gorgeous retro looking dress. Here's a youtube link.

Here's the only link to the Paradiso Girls during a practice girls. Chelsea isn't with them just yet, and the group is in flux (eight girls, when there will be only five on the debut album, Chelsea included). What's exciting is that they'll be tackling odd musical choices. The song they're dancing to is from the opera "Carmen."
It's bizarre, but it grabs your interest.


That's great! I love Chelsea's voice!


Robin was in the process of whittling down the Paradiso group to its final members when that video was made. She cut from 8 down to 4 and wanted one more voice in the mix, so she added Chelsea. I think it'll be a great combination, and Chelsea will get to sing all over Europe and probably live there. Chelsea seems mature enough to handle that even though she's very young. Ohhhh, what an exciting opportunity. I liked that they were singing a pop mix of Carmen instead of something like "I Don't Need a Man" or "Buttons."


Chelsea was hot...only reason i watched the show. best of luck to her and that amazing voice.


will she be living in Europe now?
