Huge announcement

Mike Greenberg has announced our air that tomorrow morning at 8:00 (eastern time) that they are making a huge announcement of something that they have never done before, and urges listeners to tune in tomorrow to find out. So that is a little over 24 hours from now. Now to them it might be huge but to us it could be different deepening your own opinion, so it will just be up to you if it will be worth tuning in tomorrow morning to find out what it will be.


So, the HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT is that they are having a contest and the prize is that they are giving away a trip to College Game Day. To enter this contest, you have to re-tweet a photo of M&M.

The whole purpose of this silly exercise must be to get M&M listed as trending on Twitter.

I can't remember what it was, but a few weeks ago, Greeny was all upset and complaining because some topic he considered important wasn't trending on Facebook or Twitter. Maybe that is how they dreamed this up.


The whole purpose of this silly exercise must be to get M&M listed as trending on Twitter.

They have been obsessed with this nonsense for a while and I'll bet you're right. Last year they were bragging how something they were talking about was high on Twitter or one of those things. My buddy looked and porn was right with their topic of conversation in popularity. I guess they know who their audience is. On another note, what topic do they bring up that isn't self-serving or self congratulating?


Greeny is always reading posts from anonymous people off of Twitter. That is how they "interact" with fans. A few weeks ago, he was interviewing some woman about her book. She said she had to quit Twitter for a few weeks to finish it. Greeny responded by saying something like, "Gosh, how did you keep up with the news."

#Shrinkage(ie. Deflategate) was one of the topics Greeny created that actually made it to number 1 on Twitter, which he bragged about for days. For whatever reason, he is obsessed with Twitter and he will do anything to get noticed on there.


I actually heard them announce the news live on the air, and I would say you can even be too surprise that it will be a trip since they seem to like to give trips away to thank people for waking up with them by either putting them on tv or radio. I ma not a regular traveler so I have really skipped doing this, and other trips that they have given way. I would like to know since you never say anything positive about this show, and I have the idea that you don't even like the show, why do you watch or listen to the show in the first place?


First, your statement that I "never say anything positive about the show," is wrong. If you check my topic from 4/1/2016, you will see that I was complimentary about a discussion on the show that day. You replied to my comment of that day, so you have to be aware of it but apparently just choose to ignore it.

Second, why anyone chooses to watch any show is a matter of personal choice. It's never a good idea to answer questions of a personal nature posed by strangers on a message board.


I will admit that I have forgotten this, but when you imagine a post from back from April I can't remember every single post that i have written or replied to in all these years I have been under this account. Sp please let me refresh it, you almost never say anything positive about this show. Is that at least better? Okay you have to right to not answer a question, but guess what when I see people like you come under a board like this or even Facebook when I see a post from somebody like you that doesn't have anything good to say about a show or a host, makes me wonder why you are bother listening in the first place, cause you have to listen to a show to be able to know what is being talked about on the air.


I'm negative but I just want my opinion to be heard regarding certain things they do. I find it annoying that a show I feel is this pathetic is so popular and wins awards. They bring nothing to the table except arse kissing, made up tussles and kooky humor which is painfully transparent. Oops, the parody they did a couple years back about that music video was entertaining to me. For me it's nice to see others with the same thoughts. Lets me know I'm not totally out to lunch with my opinions.


I agree with you, marka99-1. The show can be hard to take because it does so much self-promoting and self-congratulatory segments which seems to assume that it's viewers hold M&M in total awe.

I post a lot of negative stuff too, but I do recognize a good segment and I try to post when I see something worth talking about. . It's just that most of the things which move me to voice my opinion are negative, IMO.

I have never left a comment asking another member to explain why they left a post or watch a show because I prefer to keep the discussions on the specific topic and not about personalities. Once we start expressing why we have a certain opinion or watch a particular show, we get off topic and get into the "attack the messenger when you can't attack the message" discussion. You see this all the time on the news discussion programs. When an unpleasant fact is brought up, rather than addressing that fact, the panelist will say, "Why is this coming up now?" Or, "Why is he even interested in this?" If the opponent tries to give an answer, it won't matter how reasonable the answer is. The follow-up response is "Well, no reasonable person could possibly think that." The messenger is then forced to defend his own character and motives and becomes the focus, rather than the actual fact the discussion is supposed to be about.

Whenever I leave an opinion, I try to back it up with facts to support it. I supported my opinion in this topic by pointing out Greeny's high interest in Twitter. If someone doesn't like my comments, I welcome responses which reasonably disagree and offers reasonable conclusions based on other facts. Or, they can just ignore my comments.


I post a lot of negative stuff too, but I do recognize a good segment and I try to post when I see something worth talking about

I started a thread last year giving props to Greeny for standing up and holding someone accountable and he was passionate. I agreed so I posted it. I try but also agree with you that the annoying things bug me more. The good things were way too far and in-between.


I find it annoying that a show I feel is this pathetic is so popular and wins awards. They bring nothing to the table except arse kissing, made up tussles and kooky humor which is painfully transparent.

I think the show had a bit of substance early on. It was a spin off from Sportscenter which we have to admit was a juggernaut as was ESPN.

The reason the show has been so popular, in my opinion is two fold. One being on the biggest national sports station and the other is that due to their contracts and relationships, they get all the best guests. They get head coaches in college and pro and stars to superstars in the sports arena.

The two of them are very pedestrian at best, when analyzing their talk show skills. Golic brings a little to the 'former athlete' point of view, but honestly his days are past and it's a new generation of players and how the teams are run.

Greeny is a sidekick with little talent IMO. He's got a great speaking voice and handles segments pretty well from a technical standpoint, but no one wants his opinion on anything and Golic really only knows football and swimming.

I find myself listening to the show on my drive in when their are commercials or segments on other stations that I don't like. I also admit to seeing if they are having good/great guests like a Brian Billick or Charles Barkley for example.

"What's in those things Bert?"........"A few household items in the proper proportions."


They get head coaches in college and pro and stars to superstars in the sports arena.

That is very true but for me it's a big negative because they want to suck up so badly and help make sure they don't pi$$ them off that they ask total softball questions and laugh way too hard at their jokes. It can be fun but for me it's a completely wasted segment. Again, that's just me and I'm not judging those who enjoy and are entertained by those interviews.


You and a few people might think it is annoying, but look how long it has been on the air, other ESPN Radio hosts have come and gone, and both Mikes have stayed. Excluding sports broadcasts there is nothing on the current ESPN schedule that has been on the air at ESPN Radio that have been there as long or even longer then Mike & Mike. I am glad that you, jamesbwill, and jharmon64 are not fans, and guess what none of you guys deserve to go on the trips, as I am sure that both Mikes want the fans to go on and enjoy the trips that they give away. I am a fan of the show, but there are a few segments that I am not crazy about.


Hey, that's fair.

I'm not a fan, but love many of the guests.

But I will still stand by my statement that the primary reason they are still around and have lasted so long is the ESPN ship that they ride on. I would wager that just about any two semi-capable hosts would have had the same success.

"What's in those things Bert?"........"A few household items in the proper proportions."


They might but you have to realize they have been together longer then most singers that have sung together as a duo like Simon and Garfunkel, Loggins and Messina, or even some bands.


Yes, but that's still not relevant to my statement.

They lasted because of the ship, not soley because of them.

All those singers had dozens of competitors, they had literally NONE.

"Every time I walk into my office I walk past 5 Lombardi Trophies not 5 rushing titles" .


But I will still stand by my statement that the primary reason they are still around and have lasted so long is the ESPN ship that they ride on. I would wager that just about any two semi-capable hosts would have had the same success.

If you're a sportsfan, what else are you going to do in the morning? Watch another repeated Sportscenter or listen to these guys? Very few options has it's rewards.


Well for me to listen to these guys in less you have another national radio show you like to listen to


If you're a sportsfan, what else are you going to do in the morning? Watch another repeated Sportscenter or listen to these guys? Very few options has it's rewards.

Yes, you just validated my point, thanks!

"Every time I walk into my office I walk past 5 Lombardi Trophies not 5 rushing titles" .
