y no kids

just wondering

Watch this!!!


Maybe she doesn't want kids. She'd be a fool to ruin her good thing with kids anyway.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Not everyone wants kids. Kids ruin alot of marriages.


Because she's smart.


I remember reading that she does have kids. I think there's one boy and one girl, IIRC. They probably just want to avoid the publicity, other celebs do that with their kids too.

[edit: That source I referred to above may have been wrong - Wikipedia says she has no kids. Your guess is as good as mine! :)]

"We always get our man, unless it's a woman - or the occasional transvestite." - Hathaway



I think the rest of us should be eternally grateful that she's taken herself out of the gene pool.


I mean, let's be honest... her husband is clearly 'at least' in the closet and is always 'away on business', she has all gay friends, she won't do charity for sick kids... she's clearly 'at least' not into men and her 'marriage' is a front.

My wife forced me to watch this control freak with her, I say "watched" because now (thank God) she's boycotting her because she refused a couple hours of her non-kid-having day to cook with a cancer patient.

Class act.


Fortunately She doesn't have Kiddos, besides her husband is Queer as Hell and I would guess that even drunk Ina Garten has a difficult time getting laid. Who would want to screw the Contessa, Hell after this week nobody would even spit on her let alone 'hit/tap it'. However her career is certainly getting fu#!ked minute by minute and people will forever resent the fat piglet long after Ina is dead and burried! The Nerve...Wow!!!


Ina didn't want to loose that gorgeous figure by becoming pregnant!
Besides, if it doesn't require fattening them up and then eating them, she want's nothing to do with children.


Could be a number of reasons.
1. Some people choose not to have kids.
2. Some people CAN'T have kids.
3. Ina and/or Jeffery could be gay.


Even if #3 were true, why does that mean they couldn't be parents? Gay people can be parents. I have several gay friends who are parents. Also you don't have to have sex to get pregnant. Doctors can help you out with that.

It's likely they just didn't want kids. People have that right. Not everyone wants to crank out a bunch of kids. I think maybe more people should follow their lead and not breed.


Well-said, Janice! Many of us choose not to breed, which is a responsible decision.

I'm sick of hearing idiots calling Jeffrey Garten gay just because he's away a lot. He has held government and academic positions for his entire career, so he has often been away from their main residence. Among many successful couples, that is not an unusual situation. People seem unable to comprehend marriages can still be successful, despite some separation. Newsflash, some of the most macho men are gay, and some of the most effeminate men are straight. Get over all the stereotypes!

Put puppy mills out of business: never buy dogs from pet shops! 

