Just saw this movie for the first time. Great film by the way but it is so depressing. I started feeling that way when the mother's story began. What the mother and daughter were going through was tough to watch. I got more depress as the movie went and it was getting harder to watch as well. That last scene and frame of her face is heartbreaking. If I saw this film before her death it still would had been depressing but that last scene now has more impact and meaning. I will probably get depress every time I see this film. I need to do something now to get out of this mood. RIP Brittany I MISS you!!!


see Brit when she was all shiny and new!


i saw this movie maybe 1 or 2 years before she died, and i was still depressed after watching, but i quickly got over it cause i knew she was alive somewhere and well. but now it's harder to watch the movie


Absolutely. I saw the title on the channel grid and was thinking I'd already seen it. Then I turned it on and instantly remembered: "Oh. Right. The most depressing movie in the world."

Right up there with Requiem For A Dream.


The film was great and all around very depressing but Brittany Murphy made it well worth the ride (bad pun). I'll have to rewatch it because the first watch just didn't quite connect all of the puzzle together as I probably missed something from the first time.

And also,

RIP Brittany WE MISS you!!!
