5/6/08 on HBOS

3:35 A.M.


haha i'm watching it right now. except it's 2:15 am right now, and it took me a while to figure out the title of the movie. the internet helps :)


Did you enjoy the movie?


it seems like i gave this movie 1 star

but for some reason i have positive memories about it

i think i should say i liked this movie, because of the feelings it gave me. it was the ending that was not great...but aside from that...the fact is that i actually watched this entire foreign film, meaning it had to be pretty good.



That's good you have positive memories about it. I don't remember it at all. LOL Which is sad, because I may forget the title. However I remember the plot.

Happy New Year

Have you heard the news?
Bad things come in twos
But I never knew 'bout the little things
