La duchesse de langeais

This movie (which I haven't seen,Rivette being not exactly my cup of tea),was the second version (I wouldn't write "remake" ) of Balzac's novel.Jacques De Baroncelli's film (1941) deserves to be watched,unless you are a neo N.W. diehard.



Let it be so!De Baroncelli is probably more palatable for non-specialists !But ,you know,I wouldn't feel like watching Rivette's ...I agree as far as PRW is concerned :I saw him yesterday in Lherbier's "la tragédie imperiale" (about Rasputin and the Romanov) and he was by far the worst actor of the cast as the assassin (and his character was not even accurate ,historically speaking)



Bien sur qu'il y a "les enfants du paradis " !! mais il y a aussi "les visiteurs du soir' "le corbeau" "la vie de plaisir" "Marie-Martine" "Douce"
"l'assassinat du pere noel" "premier bal" "la nuit fantastique" "l'éternel retour" "lumiere d'été" "le ciel est à vous" "l'assassin habite au 21"..Et Duvivier et Renoir n'etaient pas la!!
Le film de Baroncelli jouit d'une certaine estime cependant.Quant aux decors,c'etait la guerre et il n'y avait pas tant de moyens que pour le Rivette

Et bien sur "un carnet de bal" est un chef d'oeuvre !

Rivette ,Godard et surtout Rohmer representent tout ce que je hais dans le cinema de mon pays!


I agree, "un carnet de bal" est un chef d'oeuvre. I recently watched another wonderful film, Guitry's "Le Roman d'un tricheur".


You would also enjoy "la vie d'un honnete homme" (1952) another Guitry's and Simon's tour de force.Michel Simon plays two parts .It's Guitry pessimistic dark movie.


I have never seen "la vie d'un honnete homme". I have also heard that "Les perles de la couronne" is excellent. Guitry's films are difficult to find.

A recent French film I liked very much is Xavier Giannoli's "Quand j'étais chanteur"


Balzac is doing backflips in his grave.
