MovieChat Forums > War of the Dead (2012) Discussion > 100 things I learned from War of the Dea...

100 things I learned from War of the Dead

1. You can fire machine guns in full auto mode for minutes on end.
2. Zombies use their superhuman strength to jump like frogs, but will not use it in hand-to-hand combat.
3. In 1939, you could call for air support and it would be there in 15 minutes.
4. When the enemy launches a surprise attack on you, they somehow had time to set up sand bags, trenches and machine guns.
5. After said surprise attack, you retreat and recover... thirty yards back.
6. Girls who previously locked themselves in a closet in sheer terror, go wandering off on their own once they're inside scary zombie-infested nazi bunkers.
7. German shepherds hate Americans.
8. A single smoke grenade lasts long enough to permeate a thick forest and be visible from the sky.
9. Barns that were doused in gasoline explode when lit.
10. Underground bunkers are easily blown up by a few WW2 era fighter planes.
