MovieChat Forums > Smiley Face (2008) Discussion > Funny, Love it, for Stoners but...

Funny, Love it, for Stoners but...


no one becomes that high/stoned for that much of time...

she was literally high for like 1-2 days after eating some cakes.

Your body doesn't react like that.

I'm starting to think that she was just that dumb before she got that high.


did you even pay attention to this film?
all events in the movie happened on the same day, except for the ending when she's performing public service.
Probably over a 6-7 hour time period.


This. The effect of edible marijuana are much more long-lasting than smoking it and seeing as how the movie takes place in less than half a day (and how much she ate) it's totally feasible that she would be that blazed the whole time.
