MovieChat Forums > Redline (2007) Discussion > recycled footage from days of thunder

recycled footage from days of thunder

Anyone catch the recycled footage from Days of Thunder? It may be a bit tough to spot on a DVD, but in slow-mo in high def, if you watch the flashback crash scene while "Natasha Martin" is remembering the crash that killed her father in the "NSCRA" aka NASCAR (when she is in the trailer looking at all the memorabilia), you can obviously see the name "Cole Trickle" on the car. The number on the car is 66 in Redline, but it was 46 in Days of Thunder, but all the other graphics are identical, meaning they either...

A) used recycled crash footage from Days of Thunder


B) got their hands on one of the left over cars from a backlot and tried to conceal it by just changing the number on the car

see for yourself...

This movie blew nuts.


HAHAHAHA! that cracks me up when dodgy movies do that. I've seen this other movie, cant even remember what it was called, but there was a plane crash in the snow, and the whole scene was the plane crash from cliffhanger. they just cut out tiny little bits and made it apart of their movie - it was so dodgy


HAHA. You should watch Skeleton Man. I think it uses one of the helicopter scenes from Cliffhanger as well as b-roll from low budget 80s war movies.

"Machete" Narrator: This Time... They *beep* With The Wrong Mexican!
