MovieChat Forums > Redline (2007) Discussion > I never walked out of a movie in my life...

I never walked out of a movie in my life.

I never walk out of movies because I feel that since I started, I will need to watch until it is finished. I guess I'm OCD like that. Well, there's a first for everything. For a start...

1) The graphics were cheap and unsatisfying.

2) The acting was less then amusing, actually, it was embarrassing.

3) The lighting on the characters was over the top.

4) The big-dog millionaires were not convincing as tyrants.

5) I felt like I was watching a music video instead of a feature film.

6) The movie felt like an "automobile-obsessed teenager" wrote the screenplay.

7) This movie makes people who are actually car enthusiasts look bad.

8) The dialogue for Eddie Griffin sounded like cliché quotes from the book "Things a Token Black Guy Would Say". Eddie Griffin is actually a great comedian but his choice in movie roles prove otherwise.

9) All the characters were utterly uninteresting and unlikable.

10) They casted Tim Matheson. No offense.

I walked out after Jason's car explodes and his brother Carlo screams "Noooo!' and tries to run and save him from the burning ruckus. It was total cheese. After that, I was fed up and began to debate myself on whether I should leave or not. So I left after a few moments.

A few others left too and asked for their money back. I did not ask for my money back because I believe asking for your money back from a movie ticket is childish. You get what you paid for. I can understand if the theatre was on fire or the film reel got jammed but if you demand your money back just because you don't like the material, you are absolutely moronic and cannot deal with the consequences of reality.

So, I bought another ticket to watch Grindhouse for a second time. I had double the fun.....again.



haha yeah akhan, that scene was one of the worst over the top scenes ever. when i was screening the print my friends and i just busted out laughing at it. This movie has a ridiculous amount of cliches in it. And gotta love how carlo's knowledge of martial arts, explosives and covert ops is fully justified because of the military uniform he was wearing in the first frame.


Agreed, agreed, and agreed. I laughed so hard at that scene I cried and the military background as an excuse for everything, well ... *beep*


Well, in an interview with Andy Cheng (the director), I read that "Redline" was his first movie as a film director and had only experience with directing MUSIC VIDEOS

A little advice. Stick to dem ghetto ass music videos.


Nope second feature.

His first is "End Game," a Cuba Gooding Jr straight to disc flick.


I stand corrected.


I walked out after 30 minutes. I tried to sleep at least but it was too noisy. Nadja Bjorlin can not act.


man you guys make me feel like looking at redline's profile on imdb was a waste of my time

thanks for the warning guys, i don't think i will even waste my time even if my buddy rented it


The movie from start to finish was bad in almost everyway one can think of mentioning. The producer and writer of this film are the same person and he must be on drugs.

However, in Nadia's case I fail to see were almost at any point she had a chance to act. Driving a car etc.. is not acting.

There was no real relationships or real drama in the film to act out for her.


Ain't it awful?


I'd have walked out except I was reviewing the damn thing.
Strange, what love does.


The special effects in the first maybe 5 to 10 minutes were bad I agree. Yes the screenplay was something I would write. Alot of my screenplays that have to do with cars probably would end up like this. The movie is directed at the automobile culture. It's grown bigger than ever since the 50's. Screw your Belairs, fairlaines, and impalas, the new age has come along and Japanese cars have taken over in this country. You can't go a day without seeing a teenager like myself with a Rice Rocket, usually a work in progress. It takes alot more work than older cars. They are all computers. My eclipse basically has a laptop under the hood. Now when this new culture gets to see these exotics that you never get to see, aside from your occasional Ferrari owner in your town or the everyday Porsche carreras and boxters, this movie is pure eye candy for us. We love to see these cars. We all have some sort of racing game that we play to satisfy ourselves. We drive for fun. We watch movies and t.v. shows about them for fun. If you don't like cars much I would say it's not for you. It's all intended for this car culture.

"Because I love this job. I thank God for every __ day he gives me in the corps.Oorah."-Jamie Foxx


Whatever floats your boat - I just sure as hell know that I wouldn't want a movie like Redline representing my culture (phrases such as "low standards" come to mind). Gimme The Road Warrior or - on the freakier side - Cronenberg's Crash any day.
At least I won't have to lie to you anymore.


The first Fast and The Furious reps it better. As for the exotic rich car culture though, this is more like their movie.

"Because I love this job. I thank God for every __ day he gives me in the corps.Oorah."-Jamie Foxx


You're a f--cking ignoramus.

Empathy was yesterday. Today, you're wasting my motherf-cking time.


Really now? Because I wouldn't know since I am part of the car culture here and all. I guess I'm just Ray Charles in a car and I can drive somehow.

"Because I love this job. I thank God for every __ day he gives me in the corps.Oorah."-Jamie Foxx


i just watched it a few minutes ago. i agree it wasn't great by any means, but i thought it was decent. only a douche would pay for a movie and walk out. if its something you dont like watching, why go to start with?


2 cents:

This movie was horrid.

Nathan Phillips (Carlo) should never be paid to speak lines again. Ever.

Glad I saw it at the $1 theatre.

"Is it nice, my preciousss? Is it juicy? Is it scrumptiously crunchable?" -Gollum


this is the second-worst movie I've ever seen in m life. Only House of the Dead beats it.


I dont think ANYTHING can beat the "house of dead", unless its another Uwe boll movie.


I lasted until the 13 minute mark before I walked out and I was watching at home!!


Actually I have walked out of several movies in my life.


LOL! yep. i had to leave for a bit...

me and my dad got out and were like "we should have seen grindhouse"


Is there woman on the face of the Earth nastier than Rosie O'Donnell? I don't think so.


yay another "ive never left a movie before but..." thread. these are so rare, i must have commented on only maybe 200 by now.
