MovieChat Forums > Redline (2007) Discussion > Some moron told me this was his FAVORITE...

Some moron told me this was his FAVORITE movie.

I said wow your a *beep* idiot. Does anyone agree.

If I dont come back tell mother I love her. Your mothers dead. Then I'll tell her myself.



I was just messing around with tropic thunder.

If I dont come back tell mother I love her. Your mothers dead. Then I'll tell her myself.


If you like BOOBIES its a good movie


If you like boobies you might as well watch internet porn.

Redline sucked in every single aspect.


Uh,yes I agree. I've told the same to the numorous of idiots I've encountered on youtube which love this "movie".

It's like they are not only stupid but proud of it too.



Wow I've never encountered this before. I'm all for this movie being stupid, it just wasn't that great w/ all the typical "lets try to be popular" themes it had.

But wow you description of the person who likes this haunts me. O.o

First of all... I'm in my earl 20's....

No baggy pants though, no "bling bling" I don't know why people even still use that term. Usually certain ppl still use that...anyways.

I have a FOUR DOOR Honda Accord. I bought it from another college student and it just happened to be dark green. Not gonna repaint it b/c it doesn't really matter to me atm and I plan on getting another civic soon... cars all stock, and the only thing I have is a sound system worth about $500, BUT its setup specifically for rock music, so its clear, meaning it doesn't sound like my trunks broken...which by the way has no wing on it as I had my mechanic take it off b/c I actually don't like the look of them.

I do work at CVS, but Im on my own, in college with a nice apartment in my early 20's. Oh and I'm not Hispanic,Asian,Indian or any sort of European background...I'm...what you think a wigger imitates but not of that sort as I dont fit in with my kind and with that being said im still judged by all other kinds to be as a majority of my kind are.

And I found this movie just another lets feed the jocks entertainment movie.

I find your post very interesting.
