MovieChat Forums > Plane Dead (2008) Discussion > Airplane Toilet/Smashing Mirror

Airplane Toilet/Smashing Mirror

Okay, when the dark-haired girl was puking in the airplane bathroom, and the camera kept showing shots of the toilet from above (repeatedly), did anyone think a zombie would somehow grab the dark-haired girl by emerging from that tiny little toilet? Or at least reach a zombified hand out to grab her?

I was entirely side-tracked thinking how ridiculous that would be, since the camera kept focusing on the toilet, and then--BAM! The mirror shatters and the zombie grabs her from behind. I swear the cinematographer intended to make people get distracted this way, in effect delivering a bigger surprise by the "mirror-zombie." Anyone else agree? Were there any other memorable camera shots that had this same effect?


I was really hoping for one to pop out of the toilet. It wouldn't have been any less realistic than every other part of the movie. NP:


i thought that was the only slightly suspenseful part in the whole film.


I loved that part! My friend kept saying it's coming out of the toilet. I was sitting there hoping it wouldn't since that's so ridiculous since it's like a vacuum when it flushes, but it kept making that noise, then boom out from the mirror. We jumped 3 feet in the air, that part and also when the marshal was in the vents and the zombie pops up, that was another good one!

Either way though, the chick with the umbrella was the BEST part.

"You mean the movie lied!?" - Freddy, Return of the Living Dead.


So true.
I was thinking if something's coming out of there in one piece, I wouldn't watch it anymore.


When they kept showing the POV shot from the vents into the galley area, I kept thinking it was a zombie looking through, till they showed Frank behind it, that got a good laugh from me.


i thought the same thing. i know the film wasn't the most realistic film ever, but if it did pop out of the toiler, i would have turned it off. must admit, i jumped when the zombie burst through the mirror, and i never jump.


It was a good scene and definately once of those cheap scare ones.


I did too, only because (myself being a flight attendant) there is nothing behind mirrors in an airplane lavatory. This lavatory seemed to have a manhole behind the mirror leading into the cargo hold.
I know its only a movie, but uhh NO.

Also, they didn't need to rip the door off because lavatory doors lock/unlock from the outside as well as the inside.

**Accio Harry's virginity!**


Yeah, it was a good surprise for about half a second until you wonder why there's a vent big enough for a person behind the mirror, and how the zombie knew to break through it at that exact moment to find a victim behind it.


My housemate got this from Netflix, as he binges on Horror films at this time of year.

The film .... I got about 40 minutes into it... and left the room. I couldn't deal with the mind numbing plot holes.

Bleu Cheese Salad Dressing is made on the Moon! My Uncle from Mars told me, so I know it's true!


UUG! That was so stupid. I just couldn't figure out how there was this tunnel behind the mirror but outside of the bathroom behind the wall where the mirror should be there were... seats!!! Makes no sense.

Knock knock... Who's there?... KGB...
