Questions about Kelly

I'm not sure if I just wasn't paying well enough attention or if there's even anything to figure out, but I have some questions about Kelly (the lady locked up in that box). Why was she locked up in that box? Was she dead? Why does the guard apparently have orders to shoot her on sight?

The conclusion that I came to was that she voluntarily contracted the virus, and they locked her up because they thought that she'd be a threat, I guess? I don't understand why she would have done that though. Couldn't they have just transported the virus itself in that box? Why did she have to contract it? And if they know that the virus makes dead people reanimate and murder everything around them, why would they tell the guard to kill her if she comes out of the box? Or did she die and then they gave her the virus to bring her back, and for some reason she was a non-zombie when she came out of the box? But they thought she would be a zombie so they told the guard to kill her if she got out?


I found it interesting (forgot since I last saw the movie, in fact) that she's not a crazed zombie when she emerges first. In fact, while she's in pain, there's no evidence she was about to become a killer or even a zombie at all. When Kevin (Brian Thompson's character) shoots her, however, she reanimates as a zombie, and everyone she kills comes back as the same kind of monster.

I share the OP's wondering about what they thought was going to happen when she woke up. The strongest argument IMO is that she was 'infected' in the way a bite victim such as Stacy was; once infected (somehow in the lab, rather than a "bite"), she was going to turn in a few minutes, but they froze her to prevent this. If "defrosted" without controlled conditions, she'd soon turn and attack... hence Kevin's shooting her. What remains unclear is whether this was A) an order or him just panicking, and B) if he and his colleagues thought bullets would stop her (they didn't).


Well, they mention in the beginning that she had died, so technically she was already a zombie, but I was a little confused about the state she came out in too. Maybe dying again triggered the zombie gene 

Very good. But brick not hit back!
