The dream the end, should have been real.


See my post on this ... I didn't see your post on the subject, so I asked the same question ...

... the Ending ... was it supposed to be ALL a dream throughout the movie? or was the dream only that awful last murder scene of his daughter stabbing him?


Well it's been 6 months since I watched this but unfortunately I think the only dream was the last scene.


:)) ok thanks .. I asked because there are movies made where the entire time we're being told about the main character's dream/nightmare, then the movie ends when they wake up. I dont remember specific titles, must search on imdb to find them.

On another note, I think the ending is quite creepy, since Mr Brooks knows his daughter has the same addiction he has, and knows she committed that murder in college, so he's living in fear and suspense with another murderer in his own house.


Inception would be an example.


Thanks! that will be on my 'must see' list - I love psycho-thrillers ...


Did you see Shutter Island starring DiCaprio and Ruffalo ?

That story was about hallucinations .. my friend and I saw it when it first came in theaters, but we both agreed to watch it again for a second time -- it was somewhat confusing. Mr.Brooks is not as sophisticated of a thriller as Inception or Shutter Island. It was okay ..


Oh yea, shutter island was a nice surprise. Very good flick.


Nope i loved the ending! He will probably have to kill hia daughter or she will eventually kill him.
