MovieChat Forums > Protecting the King (2022) Discussion > A great 'behind-the-scenes' picture

A great 'behind-the-scenes' picture

This movie was able to keep my attention the entire way through. I thought that Peter Dobson portrayed Elvis Presley perfectly. I've seen a couple of people disagree but that is a moot point. David Stanley knew Presley better than any critic of this movie and he chose to cast Peter Dobson; which means that Dobson must have been the closest portrayal available.

The acting was on-the-spot, and the on screen chemistry was nothing short of perfect. If you're a fan of Elvis Presley you'll enjoy this movie. It stays true to the story. I think that it is beneficial to listen to the commentary. Stanley explains each scene so eloquently. I don't think that this film was disrespectful to Presley as it portrays the individual as he was; the man, not the image.

This is a excerpt from the commentary for those that thought this film was disrespectful:

"I understand that these scenes can be a little bit frightening to the outside world of the King. Some people may watch this and go "Don't you think that is a little rough?" . I always tell people, especially fans, that the Lord knows I love him but it is funny how they tried to become an authority on my big brother. That's one thing in making this picture the authenticity, again I know I keep reiterating that but when you're the king of rock of roll and it is thirty years after you've passed away; everybody knows it. Everybody has an opinion. They all think he is this, think he is that. Myths of the king are out there. They think he did certain things that he didn't do. The fact is; I was there."
