MovieChat Forums > Flawless (2008) Discussion > Cigerette at around 12 mins in

Cigerette at around 12 mins in

Anyone notice in the scene where michael caine first talks to demi moore, Her cigerette keeps getting bigger and smaller with every shot of her lol.

How many takes did they do lol?


I definitely noticed that. I can't understand it. It must be a joke or something because it's so obvious!

It could be because she is "telling her story" years later. So she might "remember" it in different ways throughout her story. But I don't think so.

With the film called Flawless, this error is just stupid.


I definitely noticed that. I can't understand it. It must be a joke or something because it's so obvious!

It could be because she is "telling her story" years later. So she might "remember" it in different ways throughout her story. But I don't think so.

With the film called Flawless, this error is just stupid.


lol didn't notice it at first but went back to see it for myself. Pretty hilarious can a director miss a thing like that when he goes over the scenes again and again...strange...


i did and it definatly broke the illusion of reality for me ... it was just so obviouse ... how did the editor miss it!



Cigarettes getting bigger and smaller is so common in movies that I think its become some kind of inside joke with directors or something. Theres no way it could be missed as often as it is.


Maybe, she is smoking so fast, that between the cuts showing her smoking, she dumps the smoked ones and lights new ones....;)


Maybe you should realize that they cut like hell in trailers, and rather indiscriminately, so that continuity error could possibly not even be in the movie. What was the point of this thread again? Looks like a bloody good film to me, and obviously to you as well, because if you have to go so far and look so deep into disliking something that the best you point out is a continuity error (in a cig no less!), than I'd say it's got something goin' for it eh?



sounds to me like nicotine withdrawal from the viewers, sheesh, what would they say about Lawrence of Arabia? lol, some of these people make me sick


Nice one! :)




Almost laughable it was noticeable.
Don't they have continuity people on set just for this type of thing?
I can't believe the editor missed stated above, maybe it was meant to be an inside joke or something?
I'd expect this in a movie meant to be mocking another or in cliched movies but not in this.
Too noticeable to not be distracting.


But it's the trailers!
How can you seriously judge that based on a trailer?



its in the movie itself....its on demand right now


Even Stanley Kubrick, a total perfectionist, had the same problem during a scene early on in The Shining. Shelley Duvall smokes a cigarette while talking to a doctor about her son and it changes lengths several times.

I imagine it's hard to get THE take you want and have the cigarette the perfect length for the moment. Plus, a lot goes on in post-production.

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who perpetrates it."


You've got too much time on your hands.


Yeah, you're right!

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who perpetrates it."


Some people can't help noticing these things. My younger daughter and I hang on to every word but are frequently interrupted by my older daughter who will notice that the person's zits moved (The Jackson Story, always on VH-1) or that the click of the light switch did not coincide with the light turning off (The Simpsons).

"Two more swords and I'll be Queen of the Monkey People." Roseanne
