Demi's a fine actor

I can't wait for this film! It has that '60s, "Mad Men" vibe going on, and Demi Moore seems just right. I think she was a high point in the undervalued "Bobby", and she more-than-ably carried "Half Light" (why was that straight-to-video??) and "Passion of Mind". I don't think she gets the respect she deserves for her acting, and unfortunately we see her more in the news for her marriage with Ashton than we do for the fine star she really is. 3/28/08 is inked into my calendar!




Buy a dictionary! An actor can be either a male or a female, meatball!


Yeah, she looks real fine in the trailer for flawless. Is it just me, or does she look older


I agree about Bobby -- it did prove both Demi and Sharon were more than pretty faces with big boobs. I wish more good roles would come their way, but it's hard for glamorous movie stars when they reach their 40s. And that's what Stone and Moore are -- movie stars. Not saying they don't have acting talent, because they do, but they are better at being stars than actresses.

I can't wait to see Flawless. I think Demi Moore is a very competent actress. Furthermore, Scarlet Letter may have been a flawed movie but it was also one of the most lushly produced films of the '90s. The cinematography and John Barry score are brilliant!


Yes indeed, she looked just fine in that early '60s hair and make up. This is a very entertaining movie. She will always be someone I want to look at up close.


she looked just fine in that early '60s hair and make up

And dress
oh take me back to then!
