Movie title

Flawless- Isn't that the perfect way to describe Demi Moore!




She's not a diamond


i'd have described scarlet johansson similarly but 46 year old demi? i think there are (or were) other women who look much better for the age group.. at least thats my 2 cents..


She looks a damn sight better, now she seems to have gone back to the natural look, than she did in things like Striptease when she was plain scary. Also re the title, the French title translates as A Brilliant Plan which manages to miss the association with diamonds completely.


Actually, I'm surprised they were allowed to use "Flawless" as the title. A film made in 1999 starring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Robert De Niro has the same title, albeit with a VERY different plot.


There's no copyright on a word.


Forget everyone else - YES! I loved her in this! When it started I was like, "Uh.. British accent doesn't really work for you..." I thought she was really screwing up, going in and out.... Flat American...... BRITISH WORD ....... Flat American again... I was trying not to totally hate her for trying to pull off something she obviously was having trouble with... Then they said she was an American working in London, and I was like... OMG She's perfect... It's ME that's the idiot!

I DO think she's a diamond :)

It takes 46 muscles to frown but only 4 to flip 'em the bird...


What's flawless is Radford manipulating us to believe Laura's story. Like in the intro. He is the craftman and the story is the diamond made to fit our sucker need for a good story. Radford so pisses on us.
